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weapon models in hand

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Black Hawk Down on 5:21 pm on Dec. 17, 2001

.....oh yeah, and MP?

Steyr eh?

heh heh heh....

Eat my MP5 and Sig Sauer.....

By the way, I hope we never have to serve with you "Infantry Sheisskopfs"....

Learned that one while training with the Bundeswehr Kommando + GSG-9 in Bayern Wald.....

(BTW I'd get in s**t 4 this, but how would brass find out?!)

<span id='postcolor'>

Like I give a s**t!!!

I'd still shoot you in the back...

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Blackhawk,dont make me laff.

ur obviously a brit (can tell by the way u talk).

army ranger wing my arse.

whats an army ranger doin in front of a computer playin flashpoint.

lol.....ur a wannbe,nuthin else.probably never even held a firearm.one of those assholes who reads a book (in ur case,"Black Hawk Down") an thinks he knows it all.

so i wouldnt listen,MP.

and 2LT,the cocking handle of a rifle (or @ least any one that i've fired) is always on the left hand side(even if the cases go out the other side). so u should be able to see it.

nice try yerself,sancho.

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whatever boys... whatever...

Sorry about the f@cking arrogant irish thing anyway, was only joshin witcha...

Plus, i've lived in ireland for 14 years, and my parents are both irish, so there's not much english about me....

Oh yeah, and i've also a few m8s in the SAS as well like Captain Hugh Briscoe for one, so i wouldn't slag or say i'm lyin if i were u. wink.gif

Well spotted about the BHD thing tho... smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Black Hawk Down on 4:52 pm on Dec. 18, 2001

whatever boys... whatever...

Sorry about the f@cking arrogant irish thing anyway, was only joshin witcha...

Plus, i've lived in ireland for 14 years, and my parents are both irish, so there's not much english about me....

Oh yeah, and i've also a few m8s in the SAS as well like Captain Hugh Briscoe for one, so i wouldn't slag or say i'm lyin if i were u.  wink.gif

Well spotted about the BHD thing tho... smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I'd say peace right now but I don't know yet... wink.gif

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wow lads....that was beautiful. touching.

so anyways. back to flashpoint. anyone else got anything 2 say?

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Yeah, (unrelated to usual)

I know this has been said before, but we NEED SIDEARMS. Maybe not for general infantry, or any ground units in fact, as they r not used, but for officers and Blackops (I mentioned the Sig earlier).

Otherwise I'm fine wit the game as it is, although thanks to the Upgrades, the US way outnumbers the Russkis in terms of armor and choppers, which is seriously bad.

STOP ASKING FOR Hueys and US stuff, ask for some Soviet weaponry, like a BTR or something (Although the BRDM is a useless pile of s**te, Who the #### put THAT in there)

Multinational NATO units is my gripe really, why is it that it is only the US in the game? Where are the Brits, French and Germans?

Anyway, I'm done now.

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whaddya know. for once me and blackhawk here agree on somethin. sidearms r badly needed. colt .45's for the yanks and makarovs for the russkies.

pilots do not bring carbines up with them,thats just plain stoopid. it would be more realistic to have them unarmed altogether.

but it aint gonna happen,is it.the one thing the game needs most and they wont bring it out,the feckless gobs**tes

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