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1. x64 Binaries. 8Gb and 16Gb RAM wasted on my home PC's and Arma2 swaps noticeable intensive during gaming :[

2. Linux binaries. unlikely happen, but welcomed[even can buy separate box in that case].

3. OpenAL ? work w/Creative or FLOSS group, developing "Software only" OpenAL version[1.1.3 was latest]. to improve OpenAL performance.

4. "in general" GPU underutilised :[ both AMD Cyprus and NV G104 :-/ can BIS/IDEA dev's offload little more GFX things to GPU's ? :-|

5. DirectX11 support. mainly native multhreaded rendering support meant[for solid perormance boost], but BIS can also find handy Computute shaders usage.

Edited by BasileyOne

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