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dragon zen

How to make a most simplest artillery??

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Hey friends:

I have saw many beautiful ARTY scripts, but it seems that they are too complex. Another problem is that Artillery Module can't feedback the killer use EH-Killed.

Recently I saw the "Proving Ground.utes" mission, in which there is a function that adjust the angle of artillery automaticly. Sometimes we just need simple artillery, so this is very good, not only for players but also for AI. With this function, it is easy to make the main-body of artillery. Besides, the system in ACE2 is also very useful.:yay:

Ah.. because I didn't find the code, I want to ask whether anybody can provide some scripts that let AI shoot at far target directly? And how to calculate the angle is a necessary part of it.



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R3F Artillery & Logistic Script is Fantastic ^^ you can find it here :


but if you want more simple i did this one . . . it's very basic (primitive), and it need nothing than addaction to your unit, (exemple :

this addaction ["Call Arty", "Arty.sqf"];

) in your unit init line.



if (ArtyHolder) then
  ArtyHolder = false;
publicVariable "ArtyHolder";

titletext ["Select Target Location.","plain down"];

openMap true; 

Cible = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle (position player);

Target = createMarker["Target", position player];
Target setMarkerSize[1,1];
Target SetMarkershape "ICON";
Target setMarkerType "Dot";
Target setMarkerText "Arty Strike Target.";
Target setMarkerColor "ColorRed";

{_x setMarkerAlphaLocal 0} foreach ["Target"];

onMapSingleClick "Cible setpos _pos;Arty=false";

waitUntil {!Arty};

"Target" setmarkerpos getpos Cible;
{_x setMarkerAlphaLocal 1} foreach ["Target"];

titletext ["Arty Strike Otw ! ! !.","plain down"];

sleep 15;

BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 2;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 2;
sleep 1;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 2;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 2;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 1;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 1;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 2;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 1;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 2;
BomB1="Sh_105_HE" createVehicle [(getPos Cible select 0) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),(getPos Cible select 1) + ((random 100 )+(random -100)),0];
sleep 15;
ArtyHolder = true;
publicVariable "ArtyHolder";

 if (player == player) then {hint "Arty Not ready At the moment."


and put this in your init.sqf :

publicVariable "ArtyHolder";

hope it's help.

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Thanks for your help.

I have used the ""Sh_105_HE" createVehicle " code,hehe.

But this is not coming from any real ARTY, that's why I want AI to shoot directly.

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OK, make this up again.

I want to make AI shot real artillery shell, rather than use Module or other way to simulate it.

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well the artillery module will show shooting of shell and shell landing in target area.

it only simulates whats inbetween, the actual flight, wich noone would not see anyway, unless they were strapped to a MLRS rocket ^^

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OK. I find ACE2 and other CTI mission have automatic calculator for ARTY, the simple version of it is what I want. And ECHO's script may reach same effect, but the code is too complex--I knew how to check range check ammo. I just don't know how to calculate the angle for artillery.

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