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pb with a script that executes at random

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hi guys.

i have a problem here:

i have 4 "move.sqs" script (move1 to move4) that must be executed when guys have fastroped from the chopper (see also: aduke helo pack or norrin fastrope).

my problem is:

when there is only 1 chopper, the script executes well.

when there are 4 choppers (like in my mission), sometimes all of the 4 scripts execute, OR only 1 of them, OR 2 of them...etc...

I don't understand why sometimes the 4 of them work, and sometimes, only a few of them work.

is there a way to have the 4 of them always work?

maybe it is their name that are too similar? in which case i sould rename the script?

if anyone has already encountered this problem, or know how to solve it, it would be very kind of you.


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here is the script:


_heli = _this select 0;

_group = group _heli;


_heli flyInHeight 75;

_waypoint0 = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "WP1", 15];

_waypoint0 setWaypointType "MOVE";

_waypoint0 setWaypointSpeed "Normal";

_waypoint1 = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "WP2", 15];

_waypoint1 setWaypointType "MOVE";


so, this is "move1.sqs" and i have 4 scripts (move1 to move 4, with WP1 and WP2 in the 1st one, and WP3 and WP4 in the 2nd one etc...)

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IMO this is a mix between sqs and sqf syntax. The ";" at the end of the line is sqf syntax. Try renaming the script move.sqf and launch it with execVM command.

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That's valid sqs code (although the ; is not needed at the end) and cant be executed as sqf

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That's valid sqs code (although the ; is not needed at the end) and cant be executed as sqf

Oh, ok, so i don't see any trouble in the script. How do you launch it ?

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_waypoint0 setWaypointSpeed "Normal";

i think this is your problem, use NORMAL instead, as it may be case sensitive.

also if still not working, add this after :wp1 move:

_waypoint0 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; so they are identical.

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here is a link to my mission


if you could please unpbo it and see about it, would be kind of you.

---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------

by the way, this is how the script is executed

nul = [super61, 18, "move1.sqs"] execVM "\ad_helos\FastRope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf"

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?? what does nvm stand for?

what did you want to say?

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