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Display Hint & Text Select target

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is it possible to choose the target of a text message such as "hint" or radio message

because every time it shows them to all players or all players the same side

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Hint is not a global command, so all you need to do is place it within a simple conditional statement. For example:

if (player == dudeWhoShouldSeeTheHint) then {hint "Only dudeWhoShouldSeeTheHint can see this!"}

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oh it's simple as that O.O thank you I'd never thought despite the simplicity !

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I'm using a trigger,and I need to hint be activated only if a player is inside it.

It's a training mission. The player select where he want to teleport,and a hint shows,for example:

hint "Welcome to Sniper Training!";

But this shows only to the player is inside that trigger.How can I do that?

Edited by Thamu

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I'm using a trigger,and I need to hint be activated only if a player is inside it.

It's a training mission. The player select where he want to teleport,and a hint shows,for example:

hint "Welcome to Sniper Training!";

But this shows only to the player is inside that trigger.How can I do that?

Not sure do you want it to display for all or only for the player?

For all just set the trigger to BLUFOR PRESENT

For just the player set the trigger to the same, but change the condition from

this to player in thisList

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Thanks man.I want to only the player "inside" the trigger show the hint message. I will try what you said. One question: My mission is not a Singleplayer mission, is a Multiplayer,does still works?

EDIT: Thanks man,looks like it works.

Edited by Thamu

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You can also group the trigger to the player object, then check out the new options for the trigger. Not recommended if you use teamswitch though, then I would use what Muzzleflash suggests. In complex missions I may call a function instead where I can reference the test object dynamically, even change it on the fly using additional debug tools. This allows you to test it while observing from another location. Normally I would set testobject = player, but I could choose to write in a new object.

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