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Spectate script: 1st Person?

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Hi, folks,

Which spectate script includes the 1st-person and missile-cam views? I haven't been able to find it. Thanks!

Edit: I'm using Kegetys' 1.2 and I don't see those views in it.

Edit 2: The only reason I'm looking for this version is 1st-person is the only way I know to have night-vision while spectating. If anyone knows how to enable NV for the other views, I'd be more interested in that.

Edited by Anguis

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In FDF mod there's most up-to-date version.

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Thanks, man! I've found the nextcam and onplayerrespawnasseagull scripts in the dta folder, but I haven't found the description.ext text. Is it not needed in this version? (I'd use yours, but I need the seagull - for photos.)

Edited by Anguis

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hi Anguis,

Here's the most uptodate spectate we are using on [LOL]. There is all the view you want here.


//                                    SPECTATOR SCRIPT 1.4
// Control types
#define CT_STATIC					0
#define CT_BUTTON					1
#define CT_EDIT						2
#define CT_SLIDER					3
#define CT_COMBO					4
#define CT_LISTBOX					5
#define CT_TOOLBOX					6
#define CT_CHECKBOXES					7
#define CT_PROGRESS					8
#define CT_HTML						9
#define CT_STATIC_SKEW					10
#define CT_ACTIVETEXT					11
#define CT_TREE						12
#define CT_3DSTATIC					20
#define CT_3DACTIVETEXT					21
#define CT_3DLISTBOX					22
#define CT_3DHTML					23
#define CT_3DSLIDER					24
#define CT_3DEDIT					25
#define CT_OBJECT					80
#define CT_OBJECT_ZOOM					81
#define CT_OBJECT_CONT_ANIM				83
#define CT_USER						99

// Static styles
#define ST_HPOS						0x0F
#define ST_LEFT						0
#define ST_RIGHT						1
#define ST_CENTER					2
#define ST_UP						3
#define ST_DOWN						4
#define ST_VCENTER					5

#define ST_TYPE						0xF0
#define ST_SINGLE					0
#define ST_MULTI						16
#define ST_TITLE_BAR					32
#define ST_PICTURE					48
#define ST_FRAME					64
#define ST_BACKGROUND					80
#define ST_GROUP_BOX					96
#define ST_GROUP_BOX2					112
#define ST_HUD_BACKGROUND				128
#define ST_TILE_PICTURE					144
#define ST_WITH_RECT					160
#define ST_LINE						176

#define ST_SHADOW					256
#define ST_NO_RECT					512


// Predefined controls
#define IDC_OK						1
#define IDC_CANCEL					2

// Colors
#define TextColor						0.08, 0.08, 0.12
#define InvTextColor					0.35, 0.38, 0.36

// Fonts
#define FontS 		"tahomaB24"
#define FontM 		"tahomaB36"
#define FontHTML 		"courierNewB64"
#define FontHTMLBold 	"courierNewB64"
#define FontMAP 		"courierNewB64"
#define FontMAIN 		"SteelfishB64"
#define FontMAINCZ	"SteelfishB64CE"
#define FontTITLE 		"SteelfishB128"
#define FontTITLEHalf	"SteelfishB64"
#define FontBOOK 	"garamond64"
#define FontNOTES 	"AudreysHandI48"

class RscSliderV
type = CT_SLIDER;
style = SL_VERT;
color[] = {0, 1, 0, 1};
angle = 0;
class RscText
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
h = 0.04; 
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {TextColor, 0.75};
 	font = FontS;
sizeEx = 0.02;
class RscActiveText
style = ST_LEFT;
color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
 	font = FontMAIN;
sizeEx = 0.05;
soundEnter[] = {"ui\ui_over", 0.2, 1};
soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
default = false;
class RscActiveMenu : RscActiveText
color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontTITLEHalf;
sizeEx = 0.05;
default = false;
class RscObject
type = CT_OBJECT;
scale = 1.0;
direction[] = {0, 0, 1};
up[] = {0, 1, 0};
class RscObjListBox
type = CT_LISTBOX;
font = FontTITLEHalf;	
style = 4;
selection = "display";
angle = 0;
size = 0.8;	// 3D size
color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};	
colorSelect[] = {0, 1, 0, 1};
colorSelectBackground[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.2};
colorText[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.5};
class RscHTML{};

// FDF mod spectator
// Include from rscSpectate.hpp
// Spectating script v1.4 for FDF mod by Kegetys

class RscFDFDlgSpectateDeath1st
idd = 821151552;
movingEnable = true;
class Background1 : RscText
	idc = 1047001;
	x = 0.375;
	y = 0.02;
	w = 0.25;
	h = 0.04;
	text = ;
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.8};
class Title : RscText
	idc = -1;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.375;
	y = 0.02;
	w = 0.25;
	h = 0.04;
	font = FontTITLEHalf;
	//colorText[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
	colorText[] = {0/255, 108/255, 169/255, 1.0};
	sizeEx = 0.038;
	text = "SPECTATING";
class TitleS : RscText
	idc = -1;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.375+0.002;
	y = 0.02+0.002;
	w = 0.25;
	h = 0.04;
	font = FontTITLEHalf;
	colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.8};
	sizeEx = 0.038;
	text = "SPECTATING";
class ButtonNEXT : RscActiveMenu
	idc = -1;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.575;
	y = 0.021;
	w = 0.02;
	h = 0.031;
	text = ">";
	default = 0;
	soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
	action = "1 exec ""nextCam.sqs""";
class ButtonPREV : RscActiveMenu
	idc = -1;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.4;
	y = 0.021;
	w = 0.02;
	h = 0.036;		
	text = "<";
	default = 0;
	soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
	action = "-1 exec ""nextCam.sqs""";
class PlrName : RscText
	idc = 116969;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.375;
	y = 0.060;
	w = 0.25;
	h = 0.02;
	font = FontM;
	colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.6};
	color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.6};
	colorActive[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.6};
/*		colorText[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
	color[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};		
	colorActive[] = {1, 0.2, 0.2, 1};			*/
	//sizeEx = 0.05;
	text = "Unknown";	
class RscFDFDlgSpectateDeath
idd = 821151551;
movingEnable = true;
class Background4 : RscText
	x = 0.0;
	y = 0.0;
	w = 1;
	h = 0.065;
	text = ;
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
class Background5 : RscText
	x = 0.0;
	y = 0.935;
	w = 1;
	h = 0.065;
	text = ;
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
class BackgroundMenu : RscText
	idc = 1046006;
	x = 0.02;
	y = 0.055;
	w = 0.120;
	h = 0.255;
	text = ;
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.8};
class BackgroundList : RscText
	idc = 1047001;
	x = 0.84;
	y = 0.055;
	w = 0.14;
	h = 0.26;
	text = ;
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.8};
class ListBox : RscObjListBox
	idc = 1047002;
	x = 0.85;
	y = 0.075;
	w = 0.12;
	h = 0.22;
	rows = 5;
	rowHeight = 0.01;
	size = 0.56;	// 3D size
	colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.6};
	colorSelect[] = {0.3, 0.5, 1, 1};
	colorSelectBackground[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.2};
class Title : RscText
	idc = -1;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.2;
	y = -0.015;
	w = 0.6;
	h = 0.1;
	font = FontTITLEHalf;
	colorText[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
	sizeEx = 0.048;
	text = "YOU ARE DEAD";
class ButtonNEXT : RscActiveMenu
	idc = -1;
	x = 0.90;
	y = 0.94;
	w = 0.15;
	h = 0.05;
	text = "Next >>";
	default = 0;
	soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
	action = "1 exec ""nextCam.sqs""";
class ButtonPREV : RscActiveMenu
	idc = -1;
	x = 0.55;
	y = 0.94;
	w = 0.15;
	h = 0.05;
	text = "<< Previous";
	default = 0;
	soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
	action = "-1 exec ""nextCam.sqs""";
class Spectation : RscText
	idc = -1;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.70;
	y = 0.94;
	w = 0.15;
	h = 0.05;
	font = FontTITLEHalf;
	colorText[] = {0/255, 108/255, 169/255, 1.0}; // FDF
	sizeEx = 0.05;
	text = "- Spectating -";
class PlrName : RscText
	idc = 116969;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.10;
	y = 0.94;
	w = 0.15;
	h = 0.05;
	font = FontTITLEHalf;
	colorText[] = {0/255, 108/255, 169/255, 1.0}; // FDF
	color[] = {0/255, 108/255, 169/255, 1.0}; // FDF
	colorActive[] = {0/255, 108/255, 169/255, 1.0}; // FDF
/*		colorText[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
	color[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};		
	colorActive[] = {1, 0.2, 0.2, 1};			*/
	sizeEx = 0.05;
	text = "Unknown";
class Menu : RscActiveMenu
	idc = 1046007;
	x = 0.03;
	y = 0.02;
	w = 0.15;
	h = 0.025;
	text = "view menu";
	default = 0;
	angle = 90;
	colorActive[] = {0.4, 0.8, 1, 1};
	soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
	action = "ctrlShow [1046001,false];ctrlShow [1046002,false];ctrlShow [1046003,false];ctrlShow [1046004,false];ctrlShow [1046005,false];ctrlShow [1046006,false];ctrlShow [1046007,false];ctrlShow [1046008,true];ctrlShow [1046009,false];ctrlShow [1046010,false];ctrlShow [1046011,false];ctrlShow [1046012,false];ctrlShow [1046013,false];ctrlShow [1046014,false];ctrlShow [1046015,false];ctrlShow [1046016,false];ctrlShow [1046017,false];ctrlShow [1046018,false];ctrlShow [1046019,false];ctrlShow [1046020,false];ctrlShow [1046021,false];ctrlShow [1046022,false];ctrlShow [1046023,false]";
	sizeEx = 0.028;
class Menu2 : Menu
	idc = 1046008;
	color[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4};
	colorActive[] = {0.3, 0.5, 1, 1};
	action = "ctrlShow [1046001,true];ctrlShow [1046002,true];ctrlShow [1046003,true];ctrlShow [1046004,true];ctrlShow [1046005,true];ctrlShow [1046006,true];ctrlShow [1046007,true];ctrlShow [1046008,false];ctrlShow [1046009,true];ctrlShow [1046010,true];ctrlShow [1046011,true];ctrlShow [1046012,true];ctrlShow [1046013,true];ctrlShow [1046014,true];ctrlShow [1046015,true];ctrlShow [1046016,true];ctrlShow [1046017,true];ctrlShow [1046018,true];ctrlShow [1046019,true];ctrlShow [1046020,true];ctrlShow [1046021,true];ctrlShow [1046022,true];ctrlShow [1046023,true]";
class MenuPlrs : RscActiveMenu
	idc = 1048001;
	x = 0.92;
	y = 0.02;
	w = 0.15;
	h = 0.025;
	text = "namelist";
	default = 0;
	angle = 90;
	colorActive[] = {0.4, 0.8, 1, 1};
	soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
	action = "ctrlShow [1047002,false];ctrlShow [1047001,false];ctrlShow [1048001,false];ctrlShow [1048002,true];";
	sizeEx = 0.028;
class MenuPlrs2 : MenuPlrs
	idc = 1048002;
	color[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4};
	colorActive[] = {0.3, 0.5, 1, 1};
	action = "ctrlShow [1047002,true];ctrlShow [1047001,true];ctrlShow [1048001,true];ctrlShow [1048002,false];";
class MenuItem1 : RscActiveMenu
	idc = 1046001;
	x = 0.03;
	y = 0.073;
	w = 0.08;
	h = 0.025;
	text = "close view";
	default = 0;
	angle = 90;
	colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.6};
	colorActive[] = {0.3, 0.5, 1, 1};
	soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
	action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget;DeathCamComSpeed = 0.4;DeathCamRelPos = [0,-2,0.3];DeathCamTarHeight = 1.7;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0;DeathCamExit = false";
	sizeEx = 0.028;
class MenuItem2 : MenuItem1
	idc = 1046002;
	y = 0.073 + (1*0.028);
	text = "far view";
	action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget;DeathCamComSpeed = 1.9;DeathCamRelPos = [0,-8,2.5];DeathCamTarHeight = 1.5;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0;";
class MenuItem3 : MenuItem1
	idc = 1046003;
	y = 0.073 + (2*0.028);
	text = "front view";
	action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget;DeathCamComSpeed = 0.1;DeathCamRelPos = [0,4.0,0.02];DeathCamTarHeight = 1.7;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0;";
class MenuItem4 : MenuItem1
	idc = 1046004;
	y = 0.073 + (3*0.028);
	text = "top view";
	action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget [0,0,-99999999.99];DeathCamComSpeed = 0.05;DeathCamRelPos = [0,0.1,50.0];DeathCamTarHeight = 1.7;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 2;";
class MenuItem5 : MenuItem1
	idc = 1046005;
	y = 0.073 + (4*0.028);
	text = "cinematic view";
	action = "DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976;DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget;DeathCamRelPos = [3,70.1,10.0];DeathCam camSetRelPos DeathCamRelPos;DeathCamComSpeed = 0;DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 1;";
class MenuItem6 : MenuItem1
	idc = 1046020;
	y = 0.073 + (5*0.028);
	text = "1st person view";
	action = "DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 3;";
class MenuItem7 : MenuItem1
	idc = 1046021;
	y = 0.073 + (6*0.028);
	text = "gunner view";
	action = "DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 4;";
class MenuItem8 : MenuItem1
	idc = 1046023;
	y = 0.073 + (7.1*0.028);
	w = 0.1;
	text = "missile cam: enabled";
	action = "DeathCamMissileCamEnabled = !DeathCamMissileCamEnabled;if(DeathCamMissileCamEnabled) then {ctrlSetText[1046023,""missile cam: enabled""]} else {ctrlSetText[1046023,""missile cam: disabled""]}";		
class MenuLine : RscText
	idc = 1046011;
	style = ST_LINE;
	x = 0.113;
	y = 0.0;
	w = 0;
	h = 0.270;
	text = ;
	colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
	color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
	colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
class MenuLine2 : RscText
	idc = 1046022;
	style = ST_LINE;
	x = 0.02;
	y = 0.270;
	w = 0.120;
	h = 0;
	text = ;
	colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
	color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
	colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
class MenuSlider : RscSliderV
	idc = 1046010;
	x = 0.12;
	y = 0.08;
	w = 0.015;
	h = 0.15;
	color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.8};
class MenuSliderLTR1 : RscText
	idc = 1046012;
	x = 0.1145;
	y = 0.1045;
	w = 0.015;
	h = 0.01;
	text = "D";
	color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
	colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.2};
	sizeEx = 0.018;
class MenuSliderLTR2 : MenuSliderLTR1
	idc = 1046013;
	x = 0.1150;
	y = 0.1175;
	text = "I";
class MenuSliderLTR3 : MenuSliderLTR1
	idc = 1046014;
	y = 0.1305;
	text = "S";
class MenuSliderLTR4 : MenuSliderLTR1
	idc = 1046015;
	y = 0.1435;
	text = "T";
class MenuSliderLTR5 : MenuSliderLTR1
	idc = 1046016;
	y = 0.1565;
	text = "A";
class MenuSliderLTR6 : MenuSliderLTR1
	idc = 1046017;
	y = 0.1695;
	text = "N";
class MenuSliderLTR7 : MenuSliderLTR1
	idc = 1046018;
	y = 0.1830;
	text = "C";
class MenuSliderLTR8 : MenuSliderLTR1
	idc = 1046019;
	y = 0.1960;
	text = "E";


; Spectating script v1.4 by Kegetys <Kegetys@dnainternet.net> 
; [url]http://www.ofp.kege.cjb.net[/url]
; Requires OFP Version 1.85 or up

;put the name of the units you want to be spectated here
? ("alive _x" count [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12]) == 0 : exit

;put the name of the units you want to be spectated here too
DeathCamArray = [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12]
DeathCamArrayTemp = []
"if ((not isNull _x) and (alive _x)) then {DeathCamArrayTemp = DeathCamArrayTemp + [_x]}" foreach DeathCamArray

DeathCamArray = DeathCamArrayTemp

DeathCamNameCache = []
"if (name _x == ""error: no unit"") then {DeathCamNameCache = DeathCamNameCache + [""object""]} else {DeathCamNameCache = DeathCamNameCache + [name _x]}" foreach DeathCamArray

DeathCamEventHandledVehicles = []

{DeathCamEventHandledVehicles = DeathCamEventHandledVehicles + [_x];_x addEventHandler["fired",{if ((_this select 0) == (vehicle DeathCamCurTarget)) then {_this exec "missileCam.sqs"}}]} forEach DeathCamArray

_seagull = _this select 2
_seagull setpos[0,0,0]

DeathCamCurCamTarget = "HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle getpos player
_HeightDummy = "HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle getpos player

titleCut ["","BLACK OUT", 1.5]
titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 4]

? count DeathCamArray == 0 : _vhltemp = player
? count DeathCamArray == 0 : goto "seagull"

DeathCamMissileCamEnabled = true
DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0
DeathCamComSpeed = 0.4
DeathCamRelPos = [0,-2,0.3]
DeathCamTarHeight = 1.7
DeathCamIndex = 0

DeathCamCurTarget = player
DeathCam = "camera" camCreate [(getpos player select 0)+2, (getpos player select 1)+2, 700 ]
DeathCam cameraEffect ["internal","front"]
DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget
DeathCam camSetPos [(getpos player select 0)+2, (getpos player select 1)+2, 1000 ]
DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976
DeathCam camCommand "inertia on"
DeathCam camCommit 0
showCinemaBorder false


_ok = createDialog "RscFDFDlgSpectateDeath"
ctrlShow [1046001,false];ctrlShow [1046002,false];ctrlShow [1046003,false];ctrlShow [1046004,false];ctrlShow [1046005,false];ctrlShow [1046006,false];ctrlShow [1046007,false];ctrlShow [1046008,true];ctrlShow [1046009,false];ctrlShow [1046010,false];ctrlShow [1046011,false];ctrlShow [1046012,false];ctrlShow [1046013,false];ctrlShow [1046014,false];ctrlShow [1046015,false];ctrlShow [1046016,false];ctrlShow [1046017,false];ctrlShow [1046018,false];ctrlShow [1046019,false];ctrlShow [1046020,false];ctrlShow [1046021,false];ctrlShow [1046022,false];ctrlShow [1046023,false]
ctrlSetText [116969,name player]
ctrlShow [1047002,false];ctrlShow [1047001,false];ctrlShow [1048001,false]

sliderSetRange [1046010, 0.2, 7] 
sliderSetPosition [1046010, 1] 

kegfoo = 0
"_i = lbAdd [1047002, DeathCamNameCache select kegfoo];lbSetData [1047002, _i, format[""%1"",kegfoo]];if (side _x == west) then {lbSetColor[1047002, _i, [0.8,0.8,1,0.8]]};if (side _x == EAST) then {lbSetColor[1047002, _i, [1,0.8,0.8,0.8]]};if (side _x == resistance) then {lbSetColor[1047002, _i, [0.8,1,0.8,0.8]]};if ((name _x == ""error: no unit"") and ((DeathCamNameCache select kegfoo) == ""object"")) then {lbSetColor[1047002, _i, [0,0,0,0.4]]};kegfoo = kegfoo + 1" foreach DeathCamArray
lbSetCurSel [1047002, 0] 

kegfoo = 0
"if (player == _x) then {lbSetCurSel [1047002, kegfoo] };kegfoo = kegfoo + 1;" foreach DeathCamArray

? not _ok : exit

kegfoo = 0
"if (not alive _x) then {lbSetColor[1047002, kegfoo, [0,0,0,0.4]]};kegfoo = kegfoo + 1" foreach DeathCamArray

? lbData[1047002,(lbCurSel 1047002)] != format["%1",DeathCamIndex] : _TargetChange = 1

? _TargetChange == 1 : DeathCamIndex = lbCurSel 1047002
? (_TargetChange == 1) and (dialog): 0 exec "nextCam.sqs"
_TargetChange = 0

_seagull setpos[0,0,(getpos _vhlTemp select 2)+15]
? !dialog : goto "seagull"

DeathCam camCommit DeathCamComSpeed
_vhlTemp = vehicle DeathCamCurTarget

if !(_vhlTemp in DeathCamEventHandledVehicles) then {DeathCamEventHandledVehicles = DeathCamEventHandledVehicles + [_vhlTemp];_vhlTemp addEventHandler["fired",{if ((_this select 0) == (vehicle DeathCamCurTarget)) then {_this exec "missileCam.sqs"}}]}

; Cinematic view?
? DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 1 : goto "camspecial"

; 1st Person view?
? DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 3 : goto "camspecial1st"

; Gunner view?
? DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 4 : goto "camspecialgunnerview"

; The following will reduce the effect of warping spectated object to the camera itself

_Divider = 100 - (speed _vhlTemp * 2)
? _Divider < 10 : _Divider = 10

_moX = (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 0) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 0) - (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 0))/_Divider)
_moY = (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 1) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 1) - (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 1))/_Divider)
_moZ = ((getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 2)-DeathCamTarHeight) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 2) - ((getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 2)-DeathCamTarHeight))/_Divider)

; Workaround for an ofp "feature" with the setpos/getpos commands and roadway lods
_HeightDummy setpos [getpos _vhlTemp select 0,getpos _vhlTemp select 1,0]
_h2 = _vhlTemp distance _HeightDummy
_h1 = _h2 + DeathCamTarHeight
? vehicle DeathCamCurTarget == DeathCamCurTarget : _moZ = ((_h1)-DeathCamTarHeight) + (((_h2) - ((_h1)-DeathCamTarHeight))/_Divider)

DeathCamCurCamTarget setpos[_moX,_moY,_moZ  + DeathCamTarHeight]

DeathCamCurCamTarget setdir getdir _vhlTemp

; Top view?
? DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 2 : goto "camspecialTop"

_RealRelPos = [(DeathCamRelPos select 0) * (sliderPosition 1046010), (DeathCamRelPos select 1) * (sliderPosition 1046010), (DeathCamRelPos select 2) * ((sliderPosition 1046010)*2)]

? ((speed vehicle DeathCamCurTarget >= 150)) : _RealRelPos = [(DeathCamRelPos select 0) * (sliderPosition 1046010) * 5, (DeathCamRelPos select 1) * (sliderPosition 1046010) * 5, (DeathCamRelPos select 2) * ((sliderPosition 1046010)*2) * 5]

DeathCam camSetRelPos _RealRelPos 

goto "loop"

; Cinematic view
DeathCamCurCamTarget setpos[getpos _vhlTemp select 0,getpos _vhlTemp select 1,(getpos _vhlTemp select 2) + DeathCamTarHeight]
DeathCamCurCamTarget setdir getdir _vhlTemp

; Reset cam if object is far away... if its a very fast object use a more distant view
? ((speed vehicle DeathCamCurTarget >= 150)) and (((DeathCam) distance (DeathCamCurCamTarget)) > 400) : DeathCam camSetRelPos [3,400.1,10.0]
? ((speed vehicle DeathCamCurTarget < 150)) and (((DeathCam) distance (DeathCamCurCamTarget)) > 100) : DeathCam camSetRelPos DeathCamRelPos

; Distance slider sets zoom (FOV) in cinematic view
DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976 * ((sliderPosition 1046010)/5)

goto "loop"

; Top view
DeathCamCurCamTarget setdir 0

DeathCam camSetPos [getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 0,getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 1,(getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 2)+(30 * sliderPosition 1046010 * 1.5)]

goto "loop"

; User pressed esc, return seagull control

titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 0]
_seagull setpos [0,0,0]

_h = sqrt(((_vhlTemp distance _seagull) * (_vhlTemp distance _seagull)) - (sqrt(((getpos _vhlTemp select 0) * (getpos _vhlTemp select 0)) + ((getpos _vhlTemp select 1) * (getpos _vhlTemp select 1))) * sqrt(((getpos _vhlTemp select 0) * (getpos _vhlTemp select 0)) + ((getpos _vhlTemp select 1) * (getpos _vhlTemp select 1))))) + ((getpos _vhlTemp select 2)+15)
? _h > 80 : _h = 80

_seagull setpos [(getpos _vhlTemp select 0)-15+random 30, (getpos _vhlTemp select 1)-15+random 30,_h]

_seagull setvelocity[0,0,0]
_seagull switchCamera "INTERNAL"
_seagull cameraEffect ["terminate","FRONT"]
_seagull camCommand "manual on"

; Return back to spectating
@((getpos _seagull select 2) > 150) && (count DeathCamArray != 0)

titleCut ["","BLACK OUT", 0.5]
titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 2]
DeathCam cameraEffect ["internal","front"]
goto "start"


closedialog 821151551
titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 1]
_ok = createDialog "RscFDFDlgSpectateDeath1st"

hint " Press ESC to return "

_name = name (DeathCamArray select DeathCamIndex)
if (_name == "error: no unit") then {_name = ""}
ctrlSetText [116969,_name]

(vehicle DeathCamCurTarget) switchCamera "INTERNAL"
(vehicle DeathCamCurTarget) cameraEffect ["terminate","FRONT"]

? (DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 3) && (dialog) : goto "camspecial1stloop"
DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0

titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 1]
closedialog 821151552

DeathCam cameraEffect ["internal","front"]
goto "start"


closedialog 821151551
titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 1]
_ok = createDialog "RscFDFDlgSpectateDeath1st"

hint " Press ESC to return "

_name = name (DeathCamArray select DeathCamIndex)
if (_name == "error: no unit") then {_name = ""}
ctrlSetText [116969,_name]

(vehicle DeathCamCurTarget) switchCamera "GUNNER"
(vehicle DeathCamCurTarget) cameraEffect ["terminate","BACK"]

? (DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 4) && (dialog) : goto "camspecialgunnerviewloop"
DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0

titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 1]
closedialog 821151552

DeathCam cameraEffect ["internal","front"]
goto "start"


; Script for the spectating script v1.4 by Kegetys <Kegetys@dnainternet.net> 
; http://www.ofp.kege.cjb.net

_tries = 0
_DeathCamIndex = DeathCamIndex

_DeathCamIndex = _DeathCamIndex + _this

? _this == 0 : goto "alive"

? _DeathCamIndex < 0 : _DeathCamIndex = (count DeathCamArray)-1
? _DeathCamIndex >= count DeathCamArray : _DeathCamIndex = 0

? alive (DeathCamArray select _DeathCamIndex) : goto "alive"

_tries = _tries + 1

; Avoid infinite loop if everyone are dead
? _tries < (count DeathCamArray)+1 : goto "notalive"



DeathCamIndex = _DeathCamIndex
lbSetCurSel [1047002, DeathCamIndex] 
_name = name (DeathCamArray select DeathCamIndex)
if (_name == "error: no unit") then {_name = ""}
ctrlSetText [116969,_name]

DeathCamCurTarget = (DeathCamArray select DeathCamIndex)


; Script for the spectating script v1.4 by Kegetys <Kegetys@dnainternet.net> 
; http://www.ofp.kege.cjb.net
; modified version

_m = nearestObject[_this select 0,_this select 4]
_vel = abs(velocity _m select 0) + abs(velocity _m select 1) + abs(velocity _m select 2)

? isNull _m || !DeathCamMissileCamEnabled || _vel > 450 || DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 3 || !dialog : exit

_id = random 1000000
DeathCamCurMissileCamTargetID = _id

_kami = "camera" camCreate [5329.34,6652.10,1.28]
_kami cameraEffect ["internal","front"]
_kami camSetTarget _m
_kami camSetRelPos [2,2,2]
_kami camSetFOV 0.762
_kami camCommit 0

? !isNull _m : _kami camSetTarget _m
? !isNull _m : _kami camSetRelPos [0,-2,0.7]
? !isNull _m : _kami camCommit 0

_vel = abs(velocity _m select 0) + abs(velocity _m select 1) + abs(velocity _m select 2)
? !isNull _m && _vel > 1 : goto "luup"


? DeathCamCurMissileCamTargetID != _id : exit
? !dialog : exit
titleCut ["","BLACK OUT", 0.5]
titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 0.5]
? !dialog : exit
_kami cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _kami
DeathCam cameraEffect ["internal","front"]

Hope it helps



Edited by Nikiller

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Nikiller, that's going above and beyond - thank you!

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but I haven't found the description.ext text. Is it not needed in this version?

FYI spectating script dialogs are defined in FDF bin\resource file.

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I try to use the script nikiller postet in combination with Jörg F's respawn. But there occur some serious errors - sometimes causing the script to crash. I have been desperately trying to find the problems source for weeks now but I don't think I'll succeed anymore.

This message comes almost everytime when we test the scripts online and "onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs" is executed:

'DeathCamCurCamTarget setpos[_moX,moY,moZ + DeathCamTarHeight]|#|': Error Type Any, expexted Number

By now this error message just occured when I tested it in multiplayer, playing without others:

'_seagull = _this select 2|#|': Error Zero divisor

Maybe someone could help me please by localizing and fixing the problem? For a diagnosis I'll post the other scripts around those nikiller posted here - I copied the camscrpt 1 on 1, only adjusted the array of the players and added the line "DeathCamArray = [x,...]" one the beginning of "nextCam.sqs" because otherwise Players who died would be deleted from the array, indifferent if they still got a respawn left and keep on playing. I tested the script with and without that line and it makes no difference in view of the known errors.

description (excerpt of respawn parameters)

respawn = "instant"

respawnDelay = 7.5

disabledAI = 1


this exec "JorgF.sqs"

goJ=playersNumber (Side Player); publicvariable "goJ"

this exec "JorgFrespawn.sqs"

this exec "deathcount.sqs"

To make the camscript start just after a player has lost all his lives (Param1), and not after he got shot for the first time, I wrote a litte script namend deathcount:


? !(local player):exit


_Count=_Count - 1


@ not alive Player


? _Count <= 0 : [] exec "OnPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs"; exit

_Count=_Count - 1

goto "Start"

Jörg F Respawn


? !(local player):exit


JF = 0

@ JF == 1 or JF == 2

? JF==1 : PMann switchMove "PutDownlyingtolying"

? JF==1 : PMann setdammage 0

? JF==1 : PMann SetCaptive false

? JF==2 : [PMann] join grpnull

goto "Runde"


? !(local player):exit




cam CameraEffect ["Terminate","Back"]

CamDestroy cam


_N = Player

Player SetCaptive false

Player setdammage 0

@ not alive Player

Tote=Tote - 1

? Tote < 1 and (group PMann) == GP : PMann = Player ; publicvariable "PMann";JF = 2 ; publicvariable "JF"


titlecut["","black out",5]

_GW = weapons Player

_MA = magazines Player

_GW1 = count weapons Player

_MA1 = count magazines Player

~(Random 1.5)

goJ=goJ-1; publicvariable "goJ"

@ alive Player


deleteVehicle _N

Player setdammage 0

Player SetCaptive True

Player switchMove "LyingDying"



Removeallweapons Player

_Z = 0


Player addmagazine (_MA select _Z)

_Z = _Z + 1

?_Z > _MA1 : goto "Weiter1"

goto "Runde4"


_Z = 0


Player addweapon (_GW select _Z)

_Z = _Z + 1

?_Z > _GW1 : goto "Weiter2"

goto "Runde5"



titlecut["","black in",15]

_W = (getdir Player)

_X = (getpos Player select 0)

_Y = (getpos Player select 1)

_Z = (getpos Player select 2)



_N = nearestobject [_X + (sin _W * 3) , _Y + (cos _W * 3),_Z]

_W = _W + 45

_G = []

_G = _G + [_N]

? (("man" counttype _G == 1) and !(_N == Player)) and (Side _N ) == (Side Player) and (getdammage _N) < 0.8: goto "Ende"

? not alive Player : titlecut["","black out",3] ; goto "Runde3"

goto "Runde2"


? Tote < 1 and (group PMann) == GP : PMann = Player ; publicvariable "PMann";JF = 2 ; publicvariable "JF"

? Tote < 1 : goto "Runde2"

Player setdammage 0

player AddEventHandler ["Fired", {_This Exec "Script.sqs"}]

goJ=goJ+1; publicvariable "goJ"

PMann = Player ; publicvariable "PMann"

JF = 1 ; publicvariable "JF"

Player switchMove "PutDownlyingtolying"

Player SetCaptive false

_N = Player

goto "Runde1"


_N = Player

@ alive Player

goto "Runde6"

I hope this is adequate information for an overview. Just ask if not.

Edited by mk82

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Now I'm using this: ReviveRespawn v1.57

Works good, but based on Kegety's spec 1.2 first-person isn't available.

But it's running stable, that's priority!

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