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Team DA and AAA Redux

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It seems the moderators here were overreacting or --at the least-- not understanding the scope of this particular problem, and the fact that it is community wide and affects more than a single clan. I have seen the same black screen of death on three separate servers today and can only assume from the tone of the original post that there have been more.

Further, I don't see what is particularly "chest thumping" about the simple act of informing the community --ya know, this thing that we've been building for a decade-- that an honest group is getting blamed for the unethical acts of an individual.

Please don't shut down this thread. Were I a mod, I would sticky it.

Here's what happens: the server becomes highly unstable and laggy. Lots of dropped connection, orange and red broken chains, warping, piss-poor performance. After a few minutes the screen goes black and text to the effect of "Bend over and take it bitches. You've been hacked by Team Deadly and aaa..." blah blah blah user kiddie hacker bs. There's a cute little ASCII penis in it too. And then the server crashes.

Now, I don't know any of the players involved. I'm just a long time player, long time community member. But having read the (now locked) threads I'm inclined to believe that this ISN'T the work of the clans which the BSOD blames.

If this is happening to your server I would encourage you to talk to Team Deadly about sharing ban lists in the interest of ridding the community of this nuisance.

See, sharing *information* in order to *improve* the experience is what this community has been about for a decade. Bitching at people for trying to clear their good name and take positive steps toward clearing up a *community* problem is more than counter-productive. It's just plain dumb.

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Man, you try to be nice about closing a thread and people still come on later claiming you were bitching at them...

The scope of this problem has been pretty limited as few have been complaining about it. If the scope was as wide-spread as you claim then there would be many more threads here complaining about it. So far we've only had one thread complaining about it, and two threads later either clearing the name of those involved or saying thank you to them for drawing attention to the problem. That leaves the number of threads complaining about it at 1. The biggest problem I see at the moment is those posting about it, including yourself, whether intentionally or unintentionally, are artificially inflating the scope of this problem to make it seem worse than it is. I have yet to see any solid proof to the contrary.

But there's not much we can do no matter the scale unless we get information about the server from those on/running it. Are you using BattlEye? Do you have signature check enabled? Do you have the new signature check running that was introduced in the beta patches? Do you have admins regularly checking in on the server as people play? If the answer to one of those is no then it's something you should quickly look at rectifying if you wish to avoid such problems, as what you describe seems no more than a low-level scripting hack which would likely be blocked by such procedures.

Edited by Zipper5

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And maybe change the title of the post to somthing a bit more appropriate... please.. if this about a new hack then specify it, but if you make it about the two clans involved you are asking for trouble...

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I didn't think we needed another thread on this issue, but anyways...

When did this specific incident occur? In the past few days? We thought we resolved it by talking to the individual's parents, but he's started his old tricks (harassing us on our TS) again. It wouldn't surprise me if he's hacking other servers (or possibly having others do that) again.

Also, have you seen this on servers other than TAW?

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like zipper said. we posted that its not us its someone pretending to be us and saying we are hacking servers. Also please bring this to our forums so we can give you the ban list. And not to bother the Arma2 community about this guy thats doing this to other servers. I dont want them to deal with this. Like I said when it comes to this stuff just bring it to our forums teamdeadly.com.

read this it will explain most of it.


i guess novatech will never grow up

Thank You and Sorry zipper for all this


AAA & TeamDeadly

Edited by .da.maddog

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Its not us.

You need an advanced scriptor to create server side anti-hack files until the new BE update that will hopefully fix things.

Otherwise, play in your server, catch him red-handed like we do, and 3 way ban his ass =).

However, I do agree... it IS a community problem. I DISAGREE with your title of this post. How about a title like this:

WTF My server hacked?

Stop bringing my organization up just because some script kiddie said they were from teamdeadly and showed you a penis! How about search the forums and READ previous posts first. I hate wasting my time here.

---------- Post added at 03:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------

Actually, Im sorry if I came off rude and disrespectful. I spend much time trying to do whats right and lead by example. Its tough for me to come on here and post about something and I do it when I feel I have to defend our name. So, sorry.

I suppose I am just human and I carry the burden of many players on my shoulders. We are really close at Team DA and when I catch wind of evil or mischievousness then I tend to walk to the front of the battle line that I may lead my people into conflict under a banner of justice and , well, in this case... fairness. I hope I didnt come off too rude or harsh concerning the subject at hand.

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EDITED after a re-read.

Edited by Taxman

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I tend to walk to the front of the battle line that I may lead my people into conflict under a banner of justice

Shakes his head and walks away ...

Edited by Sig [USMC]

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