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Revealing undercover units

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I have a group of soldiers who have been individually declared to be captive. Each soldier has

 name setcaptive true

in their Init line.

I would like to create a trigger where specific soldiers become setCaptive false after they have fired their weapons. I tried:

{_x addEventHandler ["fired", "name1 setcaptive false";"name2 setcaptive false";"name3 setcaptive false";"name4 setcaptive false";] } 

but this generates an unspecified error.

Any ideas?

I think I discovered the problem.

The group is a team of Takistani Insurgents that have been changed to the BLUFOR side by grouping them with a higher ranking BLUFOR unit that is set to Probability of Presence = 0. I believe that the group leader being "non-existent" causes a problem with this command. I was able to get my command to work with a team of BLUFOR troops.


I did indeed discover, and fix, this problem. I got around it by creating a small addon that places the Tak Insurgents I wanted on the BLUFOR list.

Edited by Clavicula_nox4817

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