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To TeamDeadly & AAA Glad you Chipped in

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Dear Teamdeadly,

Yeah i did not know i was going to pull up a massive thread that got 3 pages deep within a couple days about that "person" who has been doing things. Well either way i am glad you all stepped up to the plate and confronted the situation on your end regarding the game server hackers so it will clear possible clout or issues from that blackscreen server of death with your information on there. I know some people can be pretty crazy when it comes to doing things and running someone else under the bus so to speak. Thanks for sending me the hash id and also nickname and banlist once i get my server up and running i will probably install that i need to do a server load test once i get everything up and running since i am going to create a battle server (user count) TBA. :) but i can say if its not going to bleed my server dry i am looking around 200 range for user connections. But i will only have it available on saturday and sunday possibly as a battle server for all out war :) will keep you all informed as well.

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Thanks for seeing through the BS. We've got no problems with competition and we would have absolutely nothing to gain and everything (a reputation) to lose by hacking other servers. Not to mention, we already have a full server most of the time and we don't need to resort to these lame "tactics" to get players.

Edited by eddieck

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Hey matt,

thank you for understanding what troubles we are going through. I really appreciate and Im most positive teamdeadly and AAA appreciates it. And of course we would like to join your server and give all the bans that you need and possibly help you setup rcon or what ever you need. need to talk to shockley and Gman about it. Also if you would like join are ventrilo or teamspeak. teamdeadly is mostly on ventrilo. teamdeadly.com

thank you,


Teamdeadly & AAA

Edited by .da.maddog

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Hi Matt,

I am Trademark, Clan Commander of Team DA @ teamdeadly.com.

I would like to reassure you that Team DA does NOT participate in actively hacking public servers for the Arma 2 community. I would like this post to also be a "shout out" to the rest of the Arma 2 community that wishes to run a fair and ethical gaming server. We, at Team DA, have a code of ethics that is open for all to read at our website under our "Rules and Regulations" link on the left hand side of our home page. It is open to the public. Team DA has existed for 7 years in multiple 1st person shooters as well as other games on all ends of the spectrum. It is NOT in our best interests to be actively involved in shady endeavors on the internet. I do not support it nor do I promote it and most of all, I do not tolerate it from ANY of my members.

What I CAN offer to the community as a gesture of our good will and for the purpose of positive posture to reinforce my statements here to you and the rest of the Arma community is free access to our ban lists that we run currently on 5 of our servers... soon to be 13 servers. We will provide ANY clan leader, community leader, or server administrator with these ban lists upon requests. Just come visit us on our website or ventrilo and make your request.

Lastly, please... everyone in the community, be aware that many players who hack wish to visit random populated servers and hack and redirect the blame towards whoever they please by stating that they are from a particular organization. Do not fall for a wild goose chase. We admin one of the most popular servers in Arma 2 right now and we have seen it all and we are still running one of the most hack attempted servers in the history of Arma 2. Our experience with hack attacks places us on the forefront of anti-hack scripting or software. We are in the business of online entertainment and no where in this concept does the self serving activities of a hacker fit in. We deal with it hourly and take pride in our success and we learn from our failures... and we learn even more from each hack attack.

I hope all the community finds closure in my statement here and realizes we are team players and have selfless attitudes. If anyone needs assistance with concepts within our realm of experience, we are glad to help.

I wish you the best on your endeavors!


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are you guys confused? this isnt Teamdeadly, AAA or DA forums, these are BIS forums. You already had two threads about this subject, did you really need a third?

Clearly a pm would have accomplished what mattchicago wrote.

Trademark, if I were you, I would edit your thread. It's baiting language can only bring more harm than good to your community.

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well we did tell one of the head admins on here to lock or delete the one thread. He said no need to and we are just simply replying to his post. trademark must of not seen what ive posted and i never seen eddies post when i posted. sorry if we upset you in any way.

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I am not confused. This is an open forum and its a response to someone in an open forum in correlation to my organization. It is my stance against hackers on our servers and on the servers of other gamers who just want to run a fair game. Also, its not my community... its the Arma community which includes YOU with all due respect. =)

The term "harm" is very general, however, Im not the least bit concerned.

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I am not confused. This is an open forum and its a response to someone in an open forum in correlation to my organization. It is my stance against hackers on our servers and on the servers of other gamers who just want to run a fair game. Also, its not my community... its the Arma community which includes YOU with all due respect. =)

The term "harm" is very general, however, Im not the least bit concerned.

I think you will find that deed's post was more directed at the Original poster buddy... I can understand you answering the post BUT as deeds said, there was NO need for it.. he should take it to your forums or PM you.

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actually i posted it here since it also effects the arma2 community as well that is also BIS and Bohemia interactive and everything else, i was just making a general statement since i am not on there forums and well this was involving the arma2 servers for arrowhead so my post is compliant.

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LOL whatever Trademark.

You are ignorant if you think pumping your chest in this forum about how anti-cheat your CLAN is wont bring undesired attention. :a:

Please, by all means, continue to be 'the least bit concerned' and ignore helpful advice from someone more experienced. :sarcasm:

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I am not confused. This is an open forum and its a response to someone in an open forum in correlation to my organization. It is my stance against hackers on our servers and on the servers of other gamers who just want to run a fair game. Also, its not my community... its the Arma community which includes YOU with all due respect. =)
actually i posted it here since it also effects the arma2 community as well that is also BIS and Bohemia interactive and everything else, i was just making a general statement since i am not on there forums and well this was involving the arma2 servers for arrowhead so my post is compliant.

While I appreciate the spreading of the anti-cheating attitude throughout the community, you guys are blowing the threat posed by these two way out of proportion. There's no chance in hell two people, let alone one who can still apparently be influenced by his or her parents, will do any harm to the community no matter the degree of their delusions of grandeur. As far as I'm aware, they were only targeting your communities as well, and I believe that has stopped already anyway.

There is also no need for three threads on the same subject. Now, by all means keep fighting cheaters but... Try not to over-dramatize it. It usually only gives them what they want. ;)

Thread locked.

Edited by Zipper5

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