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Gundam Meister

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I know there are scripts for doing this but is it possible to start the mission in the air instead of a chopper

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parametr of script [unit,start height,parachute open height]


_man = _this select 0

_man setpos [getpos _man select 0,getpos _man select 1,_this select 1]


_man switchmove "para"


? !(alive _man):exit

? ((getpos _man select 2) < (_this select 2)):goto "open"


goto "loop"


_para = "ParachuteWest" createvehicle getpos _man

_para setdir getdir _man

_para setpos getpos _man

_para setvelocity (velocity _man)

_man moveindriver _para


Edited by Miki45

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It's a script that makes the selected unit to appear at a selected height and then open it's parachute (or spawn a parachute and insert the unit into it, to be precise) at another selected height. For instance, put Miki45's script to the mission folder (/Operation Flashpoint/Users/missions/missionname/) and then name it, say, "parach.sqs". Then, in the mission editor, put

[this,1000,200] exec "parach.sqs"

to the init line of an unit. He should now appear at air and automatically "open" his parachute when he comes closer to ground.

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