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"recruiting" units from a barracks?

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I've played a custom mission (believe its made by someone called Benny)in which you spawn without any units at the Rasman Airfield. you can then go to a barracks and recruit the units of your choice. I'm completely new to editing and would love to figure out how to do that.

Another feature i'd like to set up is the ammo box that has every weapon inside of it, instead of having to rummage through 20 unlabeled ammo boxes searching for a certain weapon. any ideas? thanks


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I am not a professional too but you can use the Software Unpbo on this Warfare Mission (so you can edit it with the editor) put it in your documents\Arma2\mission folder. So you can change whatever you want in that mission but it's not easy. Creating own Warfare missions I think is too hard for beginners.

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Well, the thing is, it ISN'T a warfare mode, which really surprised me. it was a regular mission, and the infantry didnt cost anything, btw do you have a link to said program?

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tried it, WAY to difficult xD, does anyone know any easier way of doing this?

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Wallace, heres two scripts that will do what your looking to do:

for recruit AI, it has a demo mission:


For all weapons and ammo in a box:


any questions let me know, I use both of these myself in missions I build.

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