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avibird 1

Do I need to remove Catalyst suite 11.2 and replace it if I am going from 5870-6850 ?

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I have 5870 but have some issues with the card newegg is taking it back and I am getting a upgrade for less. 6950 ? When I replace the vid card do I need to remove the The AMD Catalyst software suite 11.2 with the AMD display driver version 8.821 and reinstall the whole thing or will it just auto replace it for the new vid card. When i first updated the driver for the 5870 I had to remove the old version and update to this one and it was a pain in the ass lol. Thanks

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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My bad with a mistake on the Title it was going from the 5870 to the 6950. thanks

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I guess it should work if the new GPU uses the same program, however, I usually reinstall whole OS when updating important hardware.

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As the driver package is exactly the same for both cards, you should be fine. I would only bother removing it and re-installing if isn't detecting the new card.

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I guess it should work if the new GPU uses the same program, however, I usually reinstall whole OS when updating important hardware.

Oh good God almighty... why go through all that? Windows 7, even XP SP3, ended any need to go that far when swapping out a card or even a motherboard.

To the OP, yes if it were me I would uninstall the drivers, shutdown the PC, remove old card install new, power on the PC, load 11.2 Catalyst suite.

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