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High Dispersion by Script

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I was looking for a high dispersion script from way back by GeneralCoder but all the links I found were dead.

I did, however, find this post on ofpec (you need to scroll to the last post).

I have the first piece of code in my init. I have the .sqf file itself in my mission folder and I run the eventHandler in the init of the enemy group leader (how can I execute it for the whole group?). The problem is I get an error at the top of the screen each time he fires.

The init.sqs

myTAG_dispersion = preprocessFile "dispersion.sqf"

The eventHandler:

this addEventHandler ["fired",{_bul = (nearestObject [(vehicle this), _this select 4)]; [_this select 0,_bul,(velocity _bul),(speed _bul)] call myTAG_dispersion}]

The dispersion.sqf:

private ["_sht","_prj","_vel","_spd","_dispA","_dispB"];

_sht = _this select 0; 
_prj = _this select 1;
_vel = _this select 2;
_spd = _this select 3;

_dispA = (_spd*(0.03-(skill _sht)/100));
_dispB = _dispA*2;

_prj setVelocity [(_vel select 0) - _disp + random(_dispB),(_vel select 1) - _disp + random(_dispB),(_vel select 2) - _disp + random(_dispB)];

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Thank you very much for your help. Hopefully I'll get to test it out this evening.

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No errors with either eventhandler, it appears to work well, will do further testing tomorrow. Thanks again!

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I have a question

some time ago I tried to write a similar script, but when I tested it, it worked fine for the first 10-15 shots and then it stopped. from what I could tell, after 10 or so shots, the script wasn't even executing anymore. every time I reloaded the mission, it worked great again for another 10 shots and stopped again.

was it because I executed a script instead of a function from the eventHandler?

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Actually a (function) call can be scheduled as well, it just depends from which context you called it.

Eventhandler execution is not scheduled - everything executed within an eventhandler (directly or by call), will complete before moving on.

Spawn and execVM'ed code will be scheduled - and then all bets are off.

For that reason it is recommended to only spawn/execVM from eventhandlers at the latest needed moment, e.g process all time sensitive stuff in call, and then spawn once you need a longer running loop across time - e.g until the lifetime of a projectile has been reached.

The spawned code will be subject to scheduling again - and all scripts have to share scheduler resources - which can be a real problem depending on your needs.

A few workarounds exist, for instance implemented and available in CBA, we call it delayLess processing - but due to not being subjected to the scheduler means you have to be very careful what code you execute, as it can have a direct effect on FPS.

Edited by Sickboy

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