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Just found a major flaw concerning disable AI = true

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If I use disable AI = true without using respawn at base (I have used respawn=1 (seagull)) then when a player joins the game in progress JIP, they will be a seagull straight away and cannot play till mission is restarted!

Is there no way to have disable AI = true without having respawn enabled?

This is a major flaw imo, am I missing something?

EDIT: Just found this post from way back in 2009 regarding the same issue http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76138

This problem has still has not been fixed? The post is 2 years old!

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Try respawn = 4 instead, should allow JIP and when they die they become a crow

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Yeah, I guess that would work if theres no other AI but in this specific mission, you gain AI members later in the mission so respawn = 4 would be bad.

I have a workaround now anyway. Enable AI, hide them somewhere away from players. When someone joins, set thier pos to where you want them to spawn using setpos. Then tell them to join group using the join command:)

EDIT: I know its a rubbish workaround as you have to enable AI, but atleast you don't see them...

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This is by design from what I recall.

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