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Hello, Just trying to do a little mission, and could't find how to put radio commands to only one side.. I just want the East side to be able to get Radio Alpha Command, and also anyone know how to get only one Player slot on a side to get Different radio commands to anyone else on his team ?

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I think that the setRadioMsg command is the solution here. Execute the following code:

if (side player == west) then {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"};

This disables radio channel 1 for the west side.

To restrict radio commands to a single player on a team,

if (player != radioMan) then {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"};

radioMan can be the name of the unit that allowed to use the radio. Or, you can name the unit something else (like "bob") and then

radioMan = bob;

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Hey thanks for the reply, but kinda new at this, where do I put those commands ?

edit- And I also seems to get a Error when I type that into description.ext I take it thats where it goes ?

Edited by Gh0st AACF

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edit- And I also seems to get a Error when I type that into description.ext I take it thats where it goes ?

No. There are many places where you can type in code to be executed:

--The "initialization" line of any unit. This code is executed at mission start.

--The "on act." line of any trigger. This code is executed whenever a trigger is activated.

--A text file, placed inside the mission folder, named init.sqf. This code is executed at mission start.

--Any other custom script file called from code from those three.

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Hey I tried messing around with what you said, but seems not to work with the Single player radio, So if I want only one person on a team to be able to use radio Alpha I put this "if (player != radioMan) then {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"};" in his initialization" line ? I do this and I name the Unit Radioman but still seems like everyone else on his side can use the Alpha radio ? :confused:

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The problem is as soon as you enable the radio it's available to everyone on both sides. You can limit it so only one side or one player can turn it on but then everyone can use it.

1 setRadioMsg "NULL";// turns it off for everyone

1 setRadioMsg "Alpha Radio Message";// turns it on for every one

If you could test this, I can't test MP myself.

Don't use the any of the setRadioMsg's

just place this in Alpha radio trigger and name your player radioman.

if (isserver and player == radioman) then {hint "check"} else {hint "Access Denied"};

In single player every one can try and use radio alpha but it's denied it they are not radioman. By everyone I mean if you switch to another unit.

I'm not sure it will work multi player, if there is a player radioman it will probably think it's true.

The only simple get around is not to use the radio but Addaction.

Edited by F2k Sel

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It still activates the Radio trigger no mater who or what side you are on, just makes it say Access denied even tho its not being Denied, Weird alot of people seem to be having trouble with this kinda of thing =(

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Yes I don't think you can stop the radio for one unit or side, but I was trying to limit the effect to the unit allowed to use the radio only. e everyone can try and use it but only radioman make it do anything

So as you can't stop it you have to limit the effect, my idea was that only when the RadiMan used the trigger he would get the hint "check" You can replace that with the code you want to use.

As I don't have MP setup I can't test it.

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I do this and I name the Unit Radioman but still seems like everyone else on his side can use the Alpha radio ? :confused:

Are you sure you're doing it right? I was able to restrict radio usage to a unit named radioMan in the single player editor using setRadioMsg.

Here is a screenshot of the radioMan 's "edit unit" dialog box

Here is a screenshot of the Radio Alpha trigger

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like when you play as a unit other than radioMan

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like when you play as radioMan

1 setRadioMsg "NULL";// turns it off for everyone

1 setRadioMsg "Alpha Radio Message";// turns it on for every one

If you could test this, I can't test MP myself.

Don't use the any of the setRadioMsg's

I don't think that's correct.

setRadioMsg is listed as a local command at the Biki. I used the method that I describe for an OFP co-op mission, and I believe it worked. I doubt that the command was made global since OFP.

In other words, although I can't be certain (because I, too, am not in a position for MP testing), I believe

if (player != radioMan) then {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"};

will work just as well in multiplayer.

Edited by RKDmitriyev

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if (player != radioMan) then {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"}; that sort of works if you don't start swapping from unit to unit.

If you start as another unit (none radioman) then correctly you don't have access to the radio but if you then switch to radio man you also have no access to the radio as it was disabled with "null".

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Ok So this is just a test here, I'm kinda lost in this area of Arma 2.. I thought {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"}; disabled the Radio ? so does that mean I add Alpha inside Null ? right and do I place that inside the Trigget ? right now I got a simple test. this is what I'm testing it on ATM

name tank "tanktrick1"

place this in tank init

;this setdammage 0;this allowdammage false;this setfuel 0

place down trigger


;player distance tanktrick1 <10;


;tanktrick1 setdammage 1

I got all that working under Alpha command just trying to set it just to one person on a team ?

Edited by Gh0st AACF

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Condition isn't used in a radio trigger as far as I know.

If I put player distance tanktrick1 <10 in a radio trigger it never works

you would have to have it all in the on act box.

if (player distance tanktrick1 <10) then {tanktrick1 setdammage 1};

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