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Crater cleaner and a bomb remover scripts

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Ill post these here, maybe somebody can find these useful :)

Script that cleans up craters from the given area, left behind by blown up helicopters and planes.

Ever had to avoid craters at airfield during takeoff/landing? Those pesky craters have ruined my day several times..

Author: -=XTRA=- tox1m

Cleans up craters from the given area.

1. Area size
2. Marker name

_cratercleaner = [1000, "my_airport"] execVM "cratercleaner.sqf"


private ["_basemarker","_craters","_areasize","_base"];

_areasize 	= _this select 0;
_basemarker	= _this select 1;

_base = getMarkerPos _basemarker;

while {true} do 
_craters = nearestObjects [_base, ["CraterLong"], _areasize];
sleep 0.1;

if (count _craters > 0) then
	for "_i" from 0 to ((count _craters) - 1) do
		private ["_crater"];
		_crater = _craters select _i;
		deleteVehicle _crater;
sleep 10;

Script that cleans up certain type of bombs from the given area.

Might be useful against players who try to destroy your base.

Author: -=XTRA=- tox1m

Cleans up bombs from the given area.
Uses nearObjects, since nearestObjects doesnt seem to work with bombs

1. Area size
2. Marker name

_bombdisposal = [1000, "my_airport"] execVM "bombdisposal.sqf"


private ["_base","_bombs","_areasize","_basemarker","_bomb1","_bomb2","_bomb3"];

_areasize 	= _this select 0;
_basemarker	= _this select 1;

_base = getMarkerPos _basemarker;

while {true} do
_bomb1 = _base nearObjects ["Bo_GBU12_LGB", _areasize];
_bomb2 = _base nearObjects ["PipeBomb", _areasize];
_bomb3 = _base nearObjects ["Bo_FAB_250", _areasize];
_bombs = _bomb1 + _bomb2 + _bomb3; // Workaround since nearObjects doesnt seem to work with arrays

if (count _bombs > 0) then
	{deleteVehicle _x} foreach _bombs;
sleep 0.5; // Short sleep for catching all the bombs before damage occurs.

Edited by Toxim

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Isn't a crater just an object? You could then 'sink' the object (z axis) into the ground slowly to pretend that it is getting filled in etc?

Good job though.

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Great job! Very usefull for perpetual missions.

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Just a quick question where does this line go

_bombdisposal = [1000, "my_airport"] execVM "bombdisposal.sqf"

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Isn't a crater just an object? You could then 'sink' the object (z axis) into the ground slowly to pretend that it is getting filled in etc?

Good job though.

Heh yeah that sinking would have been ideal - i just got lazy with the script :)

Just a quick question where does this line go

_bombdisposal = [1000, "my_airport"] execVM "bombdisposal.sqf"

Well you can put that in init.sqf, or into a trigger that activates at mission start. Propably with a condition for checking that it only runs on the server.

if (isServer) then {_bombdisposal = [1000, "my_airport"] execVM "bombdisposal.sqf"};

Edited by Toxim

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