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Missing Two Warfare Maps

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I've only got two warfare missions available to me in Operation Arrowhead. I have all ArmA games and all DLC, yet still the BAF Warfare missions will not show up in my missions list for each appropriate map. Here is a picture from the Warfare Manual. Just for clarification, the missing missions are Crimson Lance and Operation Serpent.

If you need, I can provide a screenshot of my available MP missions to show the lack of the BAF CTI Warfare missions. Thank you for any and all assistance with this matter.

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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I also noticed this.

I thought maybe they were parts of hosting campaign/scenarios, but can not find them.

Edited by SWAT_BigBear

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I noticed this last night when I was browsing the Biki page and reading up on Warfare.

I too am wondering where these scenarios are. Maybe they are coming in a patch? I hope so!

I thought there was something wrong with my installs there for a sec, but I guess it's not just me.

Here's what I saw on the Biki:

CTI 16 Crimson Lance - BAF vs. Takistani militias on Takistan - OA+BAF

CTI 24 Operation Serpent - BAF vs. ChDKZ insurgents on Chernarus - A2CO+BAF


I have all of the above as far as DLC and expansions, so I too am wondering why those two scenarios are missing.

Again, I am hoping for a patch that will add these scenarios.

EDIT: I would suggest a more descriptive thread title if you can. Maybe something like, "Operation Serpent and Crimson Lance CTI???"

Edited by tsb247
more info

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I would suggest a more descriptive thread title if you can. Maybe something like, "Operation Serpent and Crimson Lance CTI???"

And moved to the "Official Missions" (not found) section.:D

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Anyone have an answer to why some of us do not have the BAF CTI warfare missions. I personally have BAF DLC enabled with OA, CO, and Arma 2 but still no sign of the 2 missions. So any answer would be great.

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Anyone have an answer to why some of us do not have the BAF CTI warfare missions.

Does anyone?

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I don't think so. It'd be nice to see some sort of developer response... at all.

Totally agree on the need for a Dev response, after all they advertise the missions on the wiki and in the manual image you linked to in your OP.

Does anyone?

As for whether anyone has these missions, well some posts in another thread would suggest some do and others don't, (either that or the guy simply had no idea him/herself) as they have not completed something in order to unlock the missions. Though, i am sceptical of needing to unlock the missions by completing something. Way i see it, if they advertise something, then it should be there from the start unless the advert specifically says otherwise. There was 2 reason why i bought BAF:

1 - Was British units;


2 - Was having warfare with british units alone (not like current warfare mods with US and Brit units).

Though at the time of purchase i was not aware of there being warfare included in BAF, but then nobody said there wouldn't be any either. So i expected it to be there, since all other factions like insurgents and gurillas are playable as a warfare side without mods. The British units are the only Military units (I do not view PMC units as military but more as security contractors) unable to take part in warfare without being modded as part of USMC or US army warfare etc.

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I'm still hoping for an official response to this myself. I enjoy the BIS official content, and am hoping to hear what became of these two scenarios.

It is my understanding that the files for these scenarios may not exist at all (as mentioned on this thread): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=114906

However, I am still hopeful that it BIS is planning to add them back into the mix at some point. Then again, we still don't have proof positive that they aren't intended to be present.

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Dev response please.

Also, since Arma has such an awesome mod community, and a great editor, why on earth did BIS make it so gorram hard to tweak things? In my digging around to figure out how to add BAF/PMC/custom factions to warfare, I have repeatedly hit dead ends as the other people digging into this find that there are coding/scripting impasses to being able to alter these things.

A good mod-able system does NOT require a PhD to use. I've already got my hands full getting one PhD. I don't want to spend my freetime devoting weeks and months to tedious script research. I know you don't feel as supa-leet when you use a GUI, but seriously, this is the 21st century. Throw away your old punch cards and get with the program.

(Wouldn't make me so mad if I didn't love the core material in the game so much. Frustration is seeing exactly what you want, and it being a half-inch out of your reach.)

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Try this:

BAF Warfare


BAF: Superpowers, Chernarus

BAF: Urban Warfare, Chernarus

BAF: Urban Warfare, Zargabad

BAF: War Welcome, Utes

BAF: Mountain Warfare, Takistan

Based on 1.59

I fixed one airport marker on Chernarus and reallocated all three and added both available to Takistan.

Additional "Save Game" in map menu when run in singleplayer.

Have fun and send all bugs to BIS.

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