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Can I install BAF DLC from D2D to Steam version of Arma II and OA

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I have been unable to find a definitive answer on this.

I bought the BAF and PMC from Direct2drive.

I bought ARMA II and OA from Steam.

I discovered that PMC from d2d will only work with the d2d version of ARMA2 and OA.

However I cannot find out if BAF from Direct2drive will work/be installed with the Steam version of ARMA 2 and OA.

I have been searching both steam, d2d, and these forums for some sort of definite answer.

If I can install the d2d version of BAF into the Steam version of the ARMA2 and OA, is there anything special I have to do?

I ask that because I saw in my searches where some people were told to install some part of ARMA2 or OA into the Steam directories for a non-steam version to work with or give all the features of the non-steam game and steam game.

Thank you in advance. It would be helpful if perhaps a sticky could be made that presents what versions can or cannot be mixed, etc. That would help others I am sure. Perhaps even provide the link to retailers and online shops that sell any ARMA 2, OA, CO, DLC-BAF or PMC so the customers know in advance whether they can buy that item and get it to work with whatever version from wherever they bought it. For example I will have to go rebuy PMC from Steam as I didn't notice the warning saying you had to have the base version of the game from D2D for PMC to work/install.

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I was hoping after a few days someone could help me with this issue as I am stuck with whether I can install BAF or not or if I have to repurchase BAF from Steam instead.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

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