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I finally found the time to finish my zombie mission.

briefing:Our spies satelites showed to inteligence service an important US troops activity on Kodiak. FSB has investigated and discovered scientist facilities south east of Mainila, where three geneticists are working on a secret porject. We think that it is related to a bacteriological weapon. Your mission is to kill the three geneticists and extract to the LST.

Addons needed: @LOL,@ LOLExtras, @LOLIslands, @LOLExtras2

MISSION DOWNLOAD LINK v0_9e (can be downloaded only 10 times. Thanks to PM or mail me if link is dead.)

The Lab


Nuke accident


Extraction Chopper failure


Is it me or there's something wrong with the pilots??


The hell on earth


Scripts and features used:

- spectating script v1.4 by Kegetys

- TransBox by Mad Max

- Melee script (rifle, fists and chainsaw)

- Nuke script by CoC modified by me for MP compatibility

- Controled chopper crash

- Zombie spawning system

- AI airsupport

- AI HD conversion by Mad Max

- AI improvment

- ViewDistance negociation by Daddldiddl

- Infection/antidote system

- Vehicle drop via SatCom

and many more...



Cadet mode off: yes

SetCaptive: Yes (radio switch)

DisableAI = 0 in description.ext (for testing): No

Respawn as bird: Yes

Spectate mode: Yes (v1.4)

Slot selection

Extra Parameters working: Yes

Mission Name and Description: Yes


Mission name in briefing: Yes

Spelling and grammar: Ok

Links to objectives: Yes

Spectate mode acknowledgements: Yes


Intro: No

Objectives check off when completed: Yes

Ends when all players are dead: Yes

Ends if completed: Yes

Outro lose: No

Outro win: No

Works with and with-out ECP running: Yes


Lose text: Yes

Win text: Yes


SetCaptive removed: Yes

DisabledAI=1: Yes

Last edited by: Nikiller



Edited by Nikiller

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Glad to see you guys finished this. Good job to you and Max. I'll try it on my own, hope to see it on the server soon.


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Glad to see you guys finished this. Good job to you and Max. I'll try it on my own, hope to see it on the server soon.


Hey Z :)

Thanks for support. I found a bug in v0_9b then here's a new version. co18@_burn_zombie_burn_0_9c.kodiak

Download link in first post updated.



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:confused: Cant dl lol addons anymore? Is naked squid down?

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Yes, the LOL website and game servers have been down for several days. I don't think that there are any mirrors for the addons. Hopefully soon they can resolve the problem.

EDIT: Web page is back now and downloads are working, but server still seems to be offline.

Edited by Zulu1

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website working now and we have backup server on line 24/7


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