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Realistic military task [discussion]

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I am making task creator and these are fields that this creator will use :

_location = _this select 0; // this will be the location of the task (String - optional)

_loc_marker = _this select 1; // this will be marker of that location (String - optional)

_show_time = _this select 2; // this will display mission date and time when task is given (optional)

_task_title = _this select 3; // task title

_task_body = _this select 4; // task message

_task_assign = _this select 5; // assign this task uppon creation (yes or no, default no)

Does anybody have some extra idea?

The task will look something like this:

Location : Chernogorsk (with link or "GPS unknown" comment if marker is not specified or doesn't exist)

Date and Time : 6/2/2011 1137h

Intel : bla bla bla

What would be a proper and most realistic way to represent task?

I tried to Google "military task template" but I didn't have any success...

In other words --- how to design military-like template --- any suggestions?

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Great idea looking forward for it.

Military tasks usually come as hard copy white paper that looks more or less like this

Classefication: Unclassefid/Reserved/Secret/ Top secret/ Eyes only exc.

Task Name: Zolo hour Ae54Sz

Date & Time: 02/05/11 0700

Intel: Around 1800 01/05/11 a skrimish forces led by general Al Hatib broke into the US embassy in Takistan. We have unknown amount of casulties and hostages being held inside.

Enemy Forces: 10-20 Armed militia with small arms, light AT and might be some technicals.

Friendly Forces: 2 Delta forces teams will be inserted ti the location via Idana St. by armored vehicles.

Assets: 1 UH60 blackhawk will be on station with mounted ariel sniper.

Objectives: 1. Secure the compaound.

2. Eliminate any resistance.

3. Capture the general dead or alive perfer alive.

4. Avoid collateral damage.

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Thanx for info :) that's something I was looking for.

I will see what can I do -- I have to separate dynamic parameters and static text, but I will keep you informed.

I plan to make it dynamic for Dedi, without any script that needs to be made in addition -- only commands direct from the editor e.g. activating trigger etc.

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Just in case these help. Mind they differ from country to country.


Or a general Warning Order




En Intent

Friendly Forces


Probable Mission

1 Sect

2 Sect

3 Sect

Pl Sgt



Own Main Effort




H Hr



O Grp





For Pl Sgt

Essential matters / changes to SOPs only.


1 Sect Comd / 2 Sect Comd / 3 Sec Comd / Pl Sgt

Some elements wont apply in Arma and can be omitted.

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Ok, this is how it looks now :


Do you think DTG should stay since ArmA already puts it? Or maybe I can make some generic intro text :

> "mission has been received on 2011/1/13 at 1620Hr"

The body text will be anything you want, so I think there is no point in making something generic, but...

Maybe I can put a grid reference beside link to GPS position to make it more believable (with mapGridPosition) or just to link that position to a marker :bounce3:

I need some ideas, if there are some, with dynamic text --- the examples are GPS marker and daytime, which are "constructed" (meaning user doesn't have to write a anything for that).

Maybe to import >> _nearestCity = nearestLocation [getMarkerPos "GPS coord.", "nameCity"] with relative position to that city

Or to specify nearest road... dunno.

Current distance from the task when the task was received...


The main point is this script is Dedi friendly, dynamic and fully controllable from the editor without scripting required. Of course it will be part of WICT system, but I will explain that later.

However, I want to make it rich and believable right from the beginning.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Does anybody have some extra idea?

First of all, it's great to see you take your OFP : DR work and improve it for ArmaII (we met at aigamedev.com).

For PlannedAssault, I've been generating briefings using the standard Mission/Execution/Support/Friendly Forces/Enemy Forces format. See this video, at 2:00.

For examples and reference, I recommend getting "FM 71-123 TTP FOR COMBINED ARMS HEAVY FORCES ARMORED BRIGADE, BATTALION TASK FORCE, AND COMPANY TEAM". That field manual is available to the general public. Send me a PM if you're unable to find a copy.

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Generally you don't execute based on a WARNO -- they lack execution paragraphs. Warnos come in before the receipt of the full operations order, which covers the task's execution in detail.

If the intent here is the implementation of new/deviating tasks, the correct thing to do would be to utilize a fragmentary order, or frago. With a frago, the only things briefed are the changes to the original operations order.

Ex your operation would kick off under the premise of an opord,

Full Opord would have


-enemy (weather, terrain, composition/disposition, location, activity, COA)

-friendly forces (higher mission, left/right unit locations, etc)


-what YOU are doing


-self explanatory, dont need to go into sub paragraphs


- support/services/materiel available

Command and Control

-self explanatory

You're enroute, whatever, and changes in any of the above results in a frago.

Say you were moving to knock out bunkers, but instead the enemy has surrendered.

Frago ex


-enemy forces

enemies in the area are surrendering

Friendly forces



Move to blahblah in order to secure surrendering enemy forces


Your changes to the operation here



Command and Control


Hopefully this little rant is somewhat useful... There are MANY MANY more details to the orders process, but this is just a general explanation.

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If anybody here has a copy of the old Delta Force: Black Hawk Down game take a screenshot of one of their OPORDs & post it here. I would but I have no way to upload.

One thing I always loved about that game was the way they did the briefings, in a very realistic type OPORD on lined paper.

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If anybody here has a copy of the old Delta Force: Black Hawk Down game take a screenshot of one of their OPORDs & post it here. I would but I have no way to upload.

One thing I always loved about that game was the way they did the briefings, in a very realistic type OPORD on lined paper.

It bummed me out. I felt like I was at work again :p

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I just want to say thanx guys for info and help. The new WICT is release, as you might saw, but this will be excellent stuff for further projects.

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I just want to say thanx guys for info and help. The new WICT is release, as you might saw, but this will be excellent stuff for further projects.

Just PM me if you want more details on orders. I've been putting putting out these things for the past 4 years, so I've learned a bit about them ;)

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I will surely post here, since I see a lot of people can help.

What I was thinking about is making even more dynamic tasks and briefings, with some pre-defined text combined with dynamic parts that will check current state of the battlefield and provide accurate info.

Thank you all again for helping :)

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