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OPFOR - Heli drop Armor ?

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I was woundering if this is possible , as I could not see anything using the search ?

Is it possible for OPFOR AI to chopper in some armour and drop it at a location then start patrolling ?

Or is this not possible in MP ?

Thanks guys

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You would have to make a chopper and a tank, then use the attachTo command


tankName attachTo [heloName,[0,0,-3]];

Then when it gets to it's position, it would use the detach command


detach tankName;

Then proceed to order the helo to use a move + cycle order I assume.

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I was woundering if this is possible , as I could not see anything using the search ?

Is it possible for OPFOR AI to chopper in some armour and drop it at a location then start patrolling ?

Or is this not possible in MP ?

Thanks guys

It is possible to script this, but it would be pure fantasy and fiction to do so as there is no Helicopter that can airlift a tank in this quadrant of the known galaxy. In this case you can also beam it down from the cargo bay of an tank carrier spacecraft in orbit around the OA...thats as reasonable as droppign by Helicopter.

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