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We all love a bit of Duke!

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They're too realistic for a Duke Nukem game, in my opinion. It was never trying to be serious, and the mechanics don't compliment that. There are many complaints about only being able to carry 2 weapons, and how quickly Duke takes damage. Were it any other game we wouldn't care, but DN should never try to look or play serious.

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It's just not a very good game, that's all. It's not about people being overly critical (well maybe some people) but in my case I played it and didn't like it and that's the opinion I posted here.

I like 'casual' games if they are done right. For example, I loved Bulletstorm (which was similar to the orginal Duke). That was very well executed IMHO.

The problem with DNF, is that it was so overhyped for so long, that even if it had been the best thing since sliced bread, it would have fallen short. I concede that it's not the worst FPS ever made but as a modern day shooter it is mediocre at best.

For a game that was 12 years in the making, I couldn't give it more than a 3/10.

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Pulling an EA I see.

Give us a bad review and we stop advertising with you.

That settles it for me. no buy even if it hits the dollar bin.

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