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Bamian Map

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Hi im currently making a Bamian province Map, as a test bed for learning. and ive gone Whole hog and am doing a 4K heightmap with 15m spacing, leading to a 60km map.

Ive used a real heightmap and scaled down apporpriately, and some mountains are too high for choppers to pass in game!!

the Season is spring, so there is snowy mountains on top, lush fields below, for some nice variation compared to other afghan maps.



I need Objects and vegetation created.

Snowy rocks

Opium poppies,

Saffron Flowers

Can anyone help, volunteers?

Edited by dougboy101

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Brown fields are the plowed fields, yellow will be for ripened wheat etc and green for whatever, lots of photoshopping a texmask, still earlyish days yet

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mmm, be careful with the vegetation.

I am currently trying error a Musa Qaleh map, 10km x 10km with 3 different crops. I gave up the idea of having lushy green fields after Visitor refused to work with that many objects. Note that Musa Qaleh is only a thin strip of green zone, and still with all the fields "planted" its was already unusable.

My work around was to create a few layer masks inside world tools and visitor´s masks to reduce the object quantity (Fields are filled with stripes instead of full filling colour).

Now I´m erasing all the tall grass that usually grow around fields specially where there is fresh running water, and in its place there will be clutters.

Anyway, crops that looks like the real thing are very hardware demanding!

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im planning on having very thinly spaced vegetation (similar to your stripes), and clutter to back that up. This is a learning curve for me, thanks for the advice, the map is silky smooth currently, im trying to finish all the crop fields, (inlcuding opium) before starting on the object placements, (which will require some custom objects)

Also note that as im in the army i MAY be able to use visitor 4 if I break the limits of visitor 3.

Edited by dougboy101

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