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Ai A10 wont bomb targets on waypoint

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Hi i have a few waypoints set up with a A10 when the player walks true a Trigger the A10 can fly along its waypoints this works the problem is i want the a10 to bomb targets just up on a hill. but when the A10 FLYS on its waypoints it just flys by and dose nothing

Thank you for your input

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There are plenty of threads that ask this same question, try searching. I will tell you that the A10 is not bombing because the AI requires a lock on to a laser to released the Laser Guided Bombs.

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You could play around with the waypoint types to see if they would have an effect.

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well what i want is the plain or chopper to attack the enemies just up on a ridge just as im on my way up to them. i never as a question on a new form on less i do not understand a existing form or the form is not relevant to me. so my question is still up for answering

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The A-10 needs a laser target to lock onto, it won't fire without it.

There are two ways (that I know of) to solve your problem;

One is to make one of the hostiles on the ridge into a laser target (use the search function, it's around here somewhere) then synchronise a destroy waypoint with your new laser target.

Another is a little more fiddly, but gives you more power.

Set the A-10 to fly over the hostile target, with a trigger that tells the A-10 to fire BombLauncher (again, search function if you're not sure) using an sqs (script file).

It requires timing to get it right, but these are the only solutions I've really needed to use.

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This isn't easy:

If you use an AI to laser designate you need to be his team/squad leader and be a more senior rank- they will only target vehicles less than 500m away. You need to order him to move about 450m fom the target.

Select the AI (F1-F10) press 2, assign him a specific target when he gets there.

If you want to target enemy AI or buildings - you need to laser it yourself,

or set up a laser target as suggested above.

The AI pilot will usually not drop bombs on the 1st pass. If you have the target lasered and he can see it from 3000m he will sometimes drop on 1st pass.

To laser you need a Laserdesignator and batteries.

put this in the init of your player or AI:

this addMagazine "Laserbatteries";
this addWeapon "Laserdesignator";

(or they are in one of the special ammo crates.)

It is best to take away the AI's rifle or he will keep swapping between it and the LD.

eg I use the BAF JTAC - it already has a laser designator so I just use this in it's init:

this removeWeapon "BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo";

You will have to play as the AI and check his loadout at an ammo box to see what you need to remove. The weapon class names are in a Sticky at the top of the forum.

To prevent the A10 from firing guns, sidewinders and mavericks so you can test LGB's, put this in it's init for bombs only;

this setVehicleAmmo 0.0;
{this addMagazineTurret ["4Rnd_GBU12",[-1]];} forEach [1,2];
{this addMagazineTurret ["120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine",[-1]];} forEach [1,2];

this will give you 8 GBU12 bombs and 240 chaff/flares.

Script 'bombs only' example for an F35B named _F35Bveh put this in it's init:

xhandler = [this] execVM "f35load.sqf";

save this to f35load.sqf

_F35Bveh = _this select 0;
_F35Bveh setVehicleAmmo 0.0;
{_F35Bveh removeMagazines _x} forEach (magazines _F35Bveh);
{_F35Bveh removeWeapon _x} forEach (weapons _F35Bveh);
{_F35Bveh addMagazine "2Rnd_GBU12"} forEach [1,2,3,4];
_F35Bveh addWeapon "BombLauncherF35";
{_F35Bveh addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"} forEach [1,2,3,4];
_F35Bveh addWeapon "CMFlareLauncher";
_F35Bveh setFuel 1;

Edited by PELHAM
_F35Bveh = _this select 0; - forgot

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If you, say, have an enemy tank, and you set an A10's waypoint right on it, with a waypoint type "Destroy" it will engage, but it will, of course, miss horribly :)

If you have a friendly AI man, with an enemy tank nearby and an A10 flying around, the man should laze the target and the A10 will (usually) move to engage the tank.

Now, I am using Zeus AI, which means this might not work for everyone, but it works for me.

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