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Skip Briefing [Multiplayer]

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Is there a way to skip the briefing screen for all players in multiplayer? The reason I ask is because it's showing markers that I don't want people to see.

I know its possible for single player by using briefing = 0; but is it possible for MP?

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Make the marker empty and use setMarkerType when you want them to be able to see the marker.

Edited by zigzag

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this removeWeapon "ItemMap";nil=[] spawn {sleep 1;this addWeapon "ItemMap"} to all playable units' inits.

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if you don't want people to see your markers, you can in the init put:

markername setMarkerAlpha 0;

So if you don't want people to see ie. marker alpha it would be

alpha setMarkerAlpha 0;

You will have a briefing, but the markers will be hidden.

Kind regards


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If it is markers that should not be visible to a side you could use something like the below in a file called from Init.sqf just make it run near the top of the Init.sqf for it to take effect fast. Otherwise it might show them for a second or 2.

if (playerside == west) then
   _hide_marks_w = ["mark1name","mark2name","mark3name"]
       _x setMarkerAlpha 0;
       } forEach _hide_marks_w;

if (playerside == east) then
   _hide_marks_e = ["mark4name","mark5name","mark6name"]
       _x setMarkerAlpha 0;
       } forEach _hide_marks_e;

or hide all marks from both teams

_hide_marks = ["mark1name","mark2name","mark3name","mark4name","mark5name","mark6name"]
   _x setMarkerAlpha 0;
   } forEach _hide_marks;

And that would be it unless you need to show those markers later then just add in the file that needs to show the markers.

if (playerside == west) then
   "mark1name" setMarkerAlpha 1;

if (playerside == east) then
   "mark4name" setMarkerAlpha 1;

or show for all

"mark1name" setMarkerAlpha 1;

Wrote this on my laptop so I didnt verify, but I use something similar for my mission.

Also I believe that you only need to run it on one machine, more than likely Server, and it should broadcast marker state to all connected clients. Dont hold me to that though I am also still learning as I go.

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