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nVidia 3D Vision & Night Vision troubles??

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Hi, I recently added a new vid card a PNY GTX470 and upgraded to the 260.99 drivers I also got the 3D Vision Glasses kit too and I am experiencing some trouble when S3D Is enabled and I turn ON Night Vision in OA..

Well as we all know ( HAd a hard time explaining this to Support at nVidia) the night vision starts off as being very bright and washed out, then a few seconds it adjusts to the ambinet light and looks normal abiet it is Green now..

Well the probelm I am having is that it stays Bright and washed out and does not adjust just stays washed out??

I was wondering if anybody else that has the 3D Vsion kit experience this trouble and is there a fix??

Edited by The_Nephilim

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Have you tried disabling post processing? Also, try the different settings for HDR. Just guessing here, but these are the things that normally interfere with 3D Vision.

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There is a addon inside ACE that takes over the HDR in night vision using pgup pgdn you can adjust it to your liking and its fixed.

Also there is a addon without using ACE dependent called GTD HDR heres the thread:


This will fix the HDR in all situations NV and daytime so no washout moments. I have no experience with 3D so if its a bug that 3d switched on = HDR fixes washed out the only thing is what the post above mentions.

So try turning all you settings off in graphics and raising them one by one and tiral and test until you might find a sweet spot. Or .. try one of these addons and see if fixing it at a set level will work. Personally in SP I have GTD HDR running always :)

Cant be very specific so sorry, but hope some of this helps to diagnose it.

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looks like the GTD HDR mod did the trick thnx!! ;)

Edited by The_Nephilim

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I had NOT installed the mod correct and I now havit it working. I did NOT have the Shortcut entered and the HDR Mod was not etting enabled. You will get a HDR Menu when cliccking the middle mouse button ingame and tha will bring up the option to adjust the gamma of the night vision..

Edited by The_Nephilim

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