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How i know the position of a variable in one array?

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Hello everyone, sorry but I have an poor English language.

question, if I know a variable how do I know its location in an array?


array = [var1, var2, var3, var4, var5]

I know the name var2, how I know your position? (1)

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I think he is trying to find which element it is in the array rather than the actual world position. In this case you can use the find command:

_number = array find var2; // Will return 1 (-1 if not found) 

Edited by Andy455

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"in an array"

So, something like this:

pos = array find var2;

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thank you all for the answers,

yes i know the commands in and find, but it release a value if the variable is present, but if I dont know the position of this variable but only the name, how i can know his position on the array

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Afaik there's no command for getting the index of an element in an array. But it shouldn't be of any challenge to get it. Without having it tested, I claim this to work:

_index = -1;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _array - 1) do {
   if(_array select _i == _element) exitWith{_index = _i};

_array is your array and _element is the element you want to get the index of. At the end _index will be either the index of _element in _array, or -1 (i.e. if _element is not in the _array).

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Afaik there's no command for getting the index of an element in an array.

find returns the 0 based array index of an element just fine.


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yes but find work only with string, it is right? I try it with variable dont work!!

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The variable in the array needs to have a value (at least from testing) or it returns scalar. For example, this works:

_obj1 = 10;
_obj2 = 20;
_obj3 = 0;
_array = [_obj1,_obj2,_obj3];
_pos = _array find _obj2;
hint format["position: %1", _pos];

Also tested on editor object names in an array, works fine. Of course it returns the 0-based index, so _obj2 will return a 1.

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ok i tested it, and it works fine, very well thanks to all

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