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Updating "start" marker in briefing

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Hi folks,

i hope you can give me advice in this.

My missions (MP - dedicated Server) shall use random stzarting positions.

Moving the player and few objects to that random start position

does shk_moveobjects script.

Additionally i move the marker to that position

if isserver then {

_pads = [hpad2, hpad1, hpad3, hpad4, hpad5, hpad6, hpad7, hpad8] ;

_dest = _pads select (floor (random count _pads));

[siteObjects,_dest,75] execvm "shk_moveobjects.sqf";

sleep 0.1;

"start" setmarkerpos (getpos siteObjects);



The problem:

When the briefing is loaded, the "start" marker is still on a dummy location, and moves to the actual starting position after the player has spawned.

That way i cant refer to the "start" marker in the briefing itself, which can be annoying for a team to plan its misison, as the "start" marker gets updated later to the correct starting postion.

I hope i was able to point out my problem correct.

So how is it possible to get the "start" marker updated at the corresponding start postion and show it in the briefing before the player gets spawned?

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Put this into any Hpad's init field:

if isserver then {
 SHK_moveobjects = compile preprocessfile "shk_moveobjects.sqf";
 _pads = [hpad2, hpad1, hpad3, hpad4, hpad5, hpad6, hpad7, hpad8] ;
 _dest = _pads select (floor (random count _pads));
 [siteObjects,_dest,75] call SHK_moveobjects;
 "start" setmarkerpos (getpos _dest);

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Thx for both inputs.

But neither

Remove sleep 0.1;.


if isserver then {
 SHK_moveobjects = compile preprocessfile "shk_moveobjects.sqf";
 _pads = [hpad2, hpad1, hpad3, hpad4, hpad5, hpad6, hpad7, hpad8] ;
 _dest = _pads select (floor (random count _pads));
 [siteObjects,_dest,75] call SHK_moveobjects;
 "start" setmarkerpos (getpos _dest);

did the trick.

The "start" marker in the briefing has still a different location than the "start" marker after the player spawned.


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The server is probably trying to make client(s) move the marker before they have even created it. So, either make clients wait (not nice for briefings) or create the marker locally for each client.

You could also try something I've made to address the random start + object moving: SHK_randstapos

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Thx gonna try that out.

Your script resources, are always first adress reposity for me.:)

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