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Custom Soldier?

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I searched everywhere for this but either I missed it or it can't be done.

Can you create your own soldier? By that I mean from the ground up.

From Name -> Contents of Gear.

I learned Editor quite well via dozens of videos and PDF files, but for my idea (campaign, single mission) I need to be able to insert new people. Different names, outfit for certain mission, etc.

I am sorry if I missed in my search but "custom" doesn't return any good results even when combined with soldier, gear, etc. All PDF tutorials don't mention this, nor does videos.

I am interested in:

1. Create your soldier and ability to get him into Editor

2. Ability to gear that (or any other) soldier with gear I want for mission start (I am guessing this is scripting, but for new soldier I have no idea).

That's it.

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1. Requires separate addon if you want to change the uniforms/gears physical look. setIdentity if something else.

2. removeAllWeapons, addMagazine, addWeapon, and ....

Thanks. I figured as much for 1.

I will research that further.

But for 2. I do that stuff via init in Editor? Or I must write a script and trigger it?

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