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Lack of support!!!!

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Due to the rudeness and lack of so called support of SOME poeple on here i WILL NOT be using this forum again.:mad::(

Thank you to the poeple who have helped.

NOW LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!!! I would rather join the TALIBAN than listen to this s**t

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You won't take good advice even when it's handed to you on a silver plate by a forum moderator? Maybe it's for the better then. Gode sped!

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Well, most of your 12 posts, from what I can see, are posts with either undescriptive titles, or posted in the wrong place. I think many would be reluctant to respond to or view your thread due to the reluctance of yourself to use your browser's inbuilt spellchecker, but now that you've done this, I don't foresee you getting any more help at all.

Good bye.

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Pakistan International Airlines provides a connection from Heathrow to Islamabad, have fun joining the towelheads. But I fear with the behaviour you have shown here recently they get rid of you real quick too.

As for the 'lack of support' I tell you again:

Yesterday you asked for help with six-updater and sickboy who wrote the tool provided you two links for help. Then we closed that thread. But obviously you were not interested in general help but wanted your very own thread for your problem. That or you are just looking for attention.

Anyway, I suspended your account now to prevent further rampage threads. Since you don't want to use this forum anymore I guess it doesn't matter.

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