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Ace mod - chem lights on uniform?

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Hey all,

just wondering for those with the ACE 2 mod if you can edit the chemlights to make them appear on the uniforms.

I'd like to try and use them on a HALO jump.


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Yer, its possible.

Just switch to the chemlight using the 'F' key, then use the Self interaction menu to attach it to yourself. Easy once you know how :)

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Nice! Now what exactly is the script to attach this to a unit in a mission, would you happen to know?

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Hello a little side thing for this... Is there any way to attach an IR chemlight to the Front antenna of the Special Operations Vehicle ?

Can this be done?

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Why wouldn't you put an IR-strobe?

Official ACE webpage is your friend when you would like to create something like that.

_irstrobe = "ACE_IRStrobe_Object" createVehicle getPos _crate;

_irstrobe attachTo[_crate,[0,0,0],""];

["ace_sys_irstrobe_aradd", [_irstrobe]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;

Haven't tested it myself, 'tho.

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