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basic cam script help

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OK I watched this tutorial and I follow what hes done here however I don't follow the slow motion he throws in at the end its sudden and kind of makes the shot. anyone know how he does the slow motion?

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So these cams we have they never really record actions they hop around the map to whats going on? so if we wanted to give a cam mission briefing we have to have each step happening as the cam roles?

I was always under the impression I guess by its name that the cam recorded actions and could be played back.

this is really not a cam at all then.

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cameras do not record anything in arma.

one way you can explain camera is.

a camera is like a viewport to the 3d world.

where you can set positions,angles, pitch. change colors etc etc for the camera.

camera is used to make cutscenes in your mission. altho many people are using it purly for video making.

once you have made your camera scene / cutscene you use external apps to record the scene with,. example fraps, xfire etc etc

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