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player dies over itme

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Hi guys, im doing a mission were the player dies over time unless he eats.I have spent the last 6 hours trying to find a way and googled but no go.Im after something like this.e.g 0.001- player heath every 2 mins.Im not that good at scripting but if someone could start me off that would be great. thanks

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Hi guys, im doing a mission were the player dies over time unless he eats.I have spent the last 6 hours trying to find a way and googled but no go.Im after something like this.e.g 0.001- player heath every 2 mins.Im not that good at scripting but if someone could start me off that would be great. thanks
Well it takes 2-3 weeks to die by hunger. im sure your mission will crash running so long.

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yep i know that.But the mission im making is that the players plane has crushed so he is hurt.he must find food or water to keep his heath up.the bad guys are hunting him down so the more heath he got the better he is.he wont die from hunger he will die from the bullets form the bad guys .

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yep i know that.But the mission im making is that the players plane has crushed so he is hurt.he must find food or water to keep his heath up.the bad guys are hunting him down so the more heath he got the better he is.he wont die from hunger he will die from the bullets form the bad guys .

Ha - I've written just the opposite script, which bumps up the player's health every 2 minutes! It should be very easy to change it to decrease health. Unfortunately I'm at work and can't remember exactly how I did it but will post in a couple of hours when I get home.

I'm not sure how you implement and eating/drinking function but I'm pretty sure there are various survival/zombie style mods on this forum which do it.

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Is the task to find the food only once or will you get hungry again over time after eating?

One-off hunger - change TAG_hungry to false to stop the dying process.

if (!isDedicated) then
   TAG_hungry = true;
   while {TAG_hungry} do
       player setDamage (damage player + 0.01);
       sleep 1; //Adjust to modify the dying speed

Constant hunger - change TAG_hungry to false to pause the hunger, setting it to true will restart the dying process again.

TAG_hungry = true;
if (!isDedicated) then
   while {alive player} do
       if (TAG_hungry) then
           player setDamage (damage player + 0.01);
       sleep 1; //Adjust to modify the dying speed

Edited by Deadfast

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player gets hungry again overtime.That works great ,thank you so much i just changed damage player to +.once again thanks

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