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Fix the Glock 17 Pistol Problem

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Since Operation Arrowhead AI units armed with the Glock17 have been bugged. Apparently a config error causes them (the AI) to prefer their sidearm to their primary weapon when engaging enemies within a certain range envelope. The error has persisted since the release of OA, two DLCS and any number of smaller patches.

This is a game breaker because having AI equipped with a Glock17 renders them catatonic-- thus KSK and Czech SF, and a number of PMC troopers are unusable.



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For now:

{if (_x hasWeapon "glock17_EP1") then {_x removeWeapon "glock17_EP1"; _x removeMagazines "17Rnd_9x19_glock17"}} forEach allUnits;

Will work until it's fixed.

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Indeed. Add checks to get rid of all handguns involved in the mission. I use that anyways, pistol bug or not. The AI have always been rather useless with them. :p

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I've also noticed this happen with the M9 pistol, don't know if it is related.

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