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Trigger help

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Hello Mission Makers

I was hoping for a little help on a trigger, I want a opfor terrorist to carry a map it is located in empty, small objects, map

When the terrorist is killed I want the map to appear next to his body as if it fell out of a pocket or inside jacket.

I want the player to pick it up and then I want his map to display the locations of his next objective which there are three markers

So I figure Condition 1

!(alive terrorist1)

But for the paper to fallout I was thinking CreateOject which isn't there?

The markers I saw create marker for an on activation command but the condition I want here is the player to pick up the map any ideas?

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I am trying to do it with itemMap and it doesn't want to work for me yet?

When I use (getpos terrorist3) however he is dead is that why its not giving the position?

I cant use player because he could shoot the terrorist from a distance and I want him to lift the map off the body.

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Dead is fine, but I don't think ItemMap can be manifested. Use EvMap instead. You will also want to addAction on the map so that the player can lift it.

Also I have noticed that the map tends to spawn off at some random distance from the body. Here is one possible solution that worked well for me in testing:

AZC_MAP = createVehicle ["EvMap", (getPosATL terrorist3), [], 0, "NONE"]; AZC_MAP attachTo[terrorist3,[0,0.5,0.1]];

That would go into the trigger's On Act.

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Thanks for your help AZ Coder, this addaction your talking about I looked it up and actually I saw this earlier I thought I could use it but this requires me to dump a line into the init of the "EVMap" (which isn't spawned yet?) Is that possible?


_obj = _this select 0;

_caller = _this select 1;

_id = _this select 2;

_obj removeAction _id;

_caller addWeapon "EvMap";

deleteVehicle _obj;

hint "Map Acquired";

/// add to item map init line--- ID01 = this addAction ["Take Map","pickup.sqf"];

Somone else had a laptop they wanted to pick up I thought it would be similar?

Can this work?

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Yeah just add the addAction at the end of the onact line after evMap is created. Just use the name of the map, AZC_MAP in my example, in place of 'this' and the rest looks good.

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