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Server recommendations for new people

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Do you have any server recommendations for people new to arma 2 MP?

It seems all the non-empty servers have tons of rules not really helpful if you want to learn the game and as for other servers... I haven't had good experiences - just joined one, got called a hacker, haven't memorized the key for chat so I couldn't respond and got kicked :confused:

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Do you have any server recommendations for people new to arma 2 MP?

It seems all the non-empty servers have tons of rules not really helpful if you want to learn the game and as for other servers... I haven't had good experiences - just joined one, got called a hacker, haven't memorized the key for chat so I couldn't respond and got kicked :confused:

Is very useful with ts3 or any other comsapp. since the most are using that to get more out of teamplay and then its abit easyier to ask for help

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i can highly recomend 3PARA server for great teamplay and casual but serious fun.

if you want to practice, this mostly is for flying, dont do it online, practice in SP or SP editor.

For most vehicles and inf stuff nobody would even notice as much if you fail on inf or vehicle stuff, other than that you are a sucky player and maybe you loose all their vehicles if they dont have instant respawn, most servers have timer on respawn just to make sure people dont go gung ho rambo style lone ranger with gummy bear pistols and bud brains.

When you feel comfy on what you want to do in SP editor go online, but most servers have requirements that you need to be active on ts with a michrophone for flying.

Teamplay is KEY for almost all the servers out there, so if you wreck all their helis so they dont have airsupport or transports left. you will probably be asked to step down, or simply just locked out of vehicles.

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