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Additional Radio callsigns.

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Does anyone know of a way to add extra Radio callsigns to a mission? E.g Kilo, Lima, Mike, November.

Apologies for the "Wasted" thread, tho im sure this will help others too.

Edited by Whiteraven

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You can't, but you could add things like that via Communication Menu or AddAction perhaps.

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Hi Kylania.

I figured there might be an issue with it, tho Com menu & addaction would do just as good. Was wanting to learn the whole addaction thing anyway.

P.s Are you on the servers much (Not to go off topic)

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Usually either a private server, 15th MEU's ACE server or PC Gamer's server.

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Kool, we'll have to arrange a game sumday, battle the legendary Kylania ;)

, or team up, watever.

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@Kylania: I thought I saw you on Ventrilo one night. What do you do in the 15th MEU? I'm in VMM 268.

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@Kylania: I thought I saw you on Ventrilo one night. What do you do in the 15th MEU? I'm in VMM 268.

Just play. :) I'm just a pubber on their recruiting server. heh Keep meaning to sign up, but never get around to it! heh

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kylania, you should. Now back on topic.

What exactly do you mean 'Other Callsigns'? Like when a unit radios in a contact or Blue on Blue it's something like 'Bravo 1 - Blue on Blue!' instead of '1-1-A-4 - Blue on Blue!' or what exactly are you wanting to do?

And AZCoder, xo Who're you? -Is LCpl Flynn- >_> <_< Didn't think anyone else from phoenix was in the unit either xo

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Like when setting up a trigger you have Radio Alpha to Juliet.. I just think its a shame you cant set up more.

Tho now you mention it, how would you set up sideChats that identify a unit? e.g Maybe changing 1-1-A-4 to HQ, or Undercover operative.

For instance when i place a UN officer called Joe - and set a random radio message - Joe Globalchat "UN base under attack"; the radio message displays - Independant "UN base under attack" instead of - Joe "UN base under attack"

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Well for the triggers to have mo then Alpha to Juliet I have no idea... sadly.

But to have sidechat changed I believe I can set up a quick example mission in which the different ways are done. It'll take me till a little later tonight and I should be able to send them in a PM. I just need to find all of my old examples so I can put'm together and get'm to you ^^ Hope you don't mind waiting a little bit ^^

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For sideChats, if you want a group identity that appears in the chat, you just do this in the group leader's init:

group this setGroupId ["Firefly"];

Where Firefly is anything you want. The chat will refer to group leader as "Firefly 1" in this example, and each member will have a different number.

@SigintArma: Yep, here in the Valley. SNP Bottorff, fairly new.

Edited by AZCoder

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Thankin you.. I'll be studying it till i get it right, the links also.

Ty AZCoder.. :)

Edited by Whiteraven

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