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Overriding Spawn chance for Squad in ACM

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Hey guys, does anyone know how to change the rarity of certain groups spawning in the ACM?

I have customized the ACM to spawn specific groups with an intensity of 1, and I will say, some groups seem to not spawn at all, so would anyone know a way to change their spawning chance?

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I've already decided to choose DAC3.0 to take place of ACM.

I feel quite depressed to it for whatever how I changing the index it is still unable to spawn enough enemies or friendly units I want, but a couple of choppers instead.

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I haven't really checked out DAC3.0 yet, I thought it was too complex, I am having good results on ground to air ratio, but I am getting a HUGE amount of stryker squads and ACR motorized patrols and almost no other BLUFOR units, I will see if I can get DAC working.

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I haven't really checked out DAC3.0 yet, I thought it was too complex, I am having good results on ground to air ratio, but I am getting a HUGE amount of stryker squads and ACR motorized patrols and almost no other BLUFOR units, I will see if I can get DAC working.

DAC is anything but complex. I managed to use DAC effectively (reletively) at a stage when I didn't even know how to use waypoints properly. That should speak volumes...

Besides, not only DAC units fight better and come with cool fuetures such as reinforcing each other or calling in for artillary support, they are also much easier to produce (in larger numbers). Rather than having to say place 50 units per side manually, you could simply type the number "50" in the DAC trigger.

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Well, I had a look at DAC and it doesn't do quite what I'm looking for, I don't want too many units, I am having patrols where you may or may not see enemy, and I also have blacklisted areas, I like that the ACM gives you a selection of what groups to use, bottom line, I like the DAC stuff, but it's not what I'm looking for, besides when Instensity is on 1 and there are 5 ACM's around the map, quite a few enemies will appear.

I'm fairly happy with what the ACM does, all I need to know is if it is possible to change the rarity of units, and if so, how to change that.

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Sorry for the bumping, but I'm guessing this is not possible, couls someone chime in here (Maybe BI dev);)

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This is just a theory, but you should test it out:

Before doing anything, you have to check for ACM initiation of course, so suppose you named the ACM as myACM, then put in your init.sqf:

waitUntil {!isNil {myFirstACM getVariable "initDone"}};
waitUntil {myFirstACM getVariable "initDone"};

Then, there is, as you probably already know a predifined BIS function that allows the editor to customize the groups spawned by the ACM. It is used by the following format:

[<the ACM's name> , <an array of strings containing unit class names>] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;
[i]so for example:[/i] [myACM, "Ins_Soldier_1", "Ins_Soldier_2", "Ins_Soldier_AT", "Ins_Soldier_Sniper"] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;

Thus the classnames specified in the string's array will be the only units spawned by the ACM. Now my theory is that repeating a classname a number of times should increase the chance of that unit spawning, but I haven't actually tested it/used it mainly because I don't bother with ACM anymore. So instead of the previous example, you could have:

[myACM, "Ins_Soldier_1", "Ins_Soldier_2", "Ins_Soldier_AT", "Ins_Soldier_Sniper", [b]"Ins_Soldier_Sniper", "Ins_Soldier_Sniper"[/b]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;

The addition of two new Chedaki sniper classnames should severely increase the chance of a sniper spawning. Though of course the problem with this is that you have to manually define each and every calssname, including armored/air units (if you want them too). However it does give you quite a bit of flexibility.

Further information:

http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager ---> For general info about the ACM

http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager_-_Group_types ---> This link specifically discusses the "BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc" function and other ways of formatting it (using config entries).

http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager_-_Functions ---> Very good. Has detailed information on the many different ACM functions.

Hope this helps

Edited by kyfohatl

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The problem with your theory is that an array will not take multiple entries as a increase in probability, by the way I have checked all those pages and I am using every function available to customize it, I was wondering if it is only possible to change it in a non-config way, for example I found this in CfgGroups for US_RifleSquad

RarityGroup = 0.5
, this does actually define the ACM rarity, and when I went to US_MechanizedInfantrySquadICVM2 it had
RarityGroup = 0.9
which is way to high, I need to find a way of decreasing this value.

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Hey guys, does anyone know how to change the rarity of certain groups spawning in the ACM?

I have customized the ACM to spawn specific groups with an intensity of 1, and I will say, some groups seem to not spawn at all, so would anyone know a way to change their spawning chance?

You can try using more than one ACM.

The ones that are spawning too much, set them in one ACM and set to 0.5. The others, put in another ACM and set to 1. You will have to specify by group or individual unit what you want to spawn. (The naming can be BIS_ACM_1 and BIS_ACM_2.)

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Well first of all your naming method is used to blacklist areas, and second, can't you only attach one ACM per group? I will test tommorow

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