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saving the GUI color between dialogs

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not sure how to explain this.. but

in the lost key i have several dialogs. i added the ability to switch GUI colors but when i close the GUI or switch to another.. the color resets to the default color.

how do i save the 'color' variable and call it for each of my dialogs?

in the mission init.sqf i have:

LOKI_GUI_Key_Color = 1;

and this is the script:

Color_Settings .sqf


switch (_this select 0) do


case "TextColor":


LOKI_GUI_Key_Color = LOKI_GUI_Key_Color + 1;

If (LOKI_GUI_Key_Color > 7) Then {LOKI_GUI_Key_Color = 1};

private ["_color"];

switch (LOKI_GUI_Key_Color) do


case 1:


_color = [1,0,0,1];


case 2:


_color = [0,1,0,1];


case 3:


_color = [1,0.5,0,1];


case 4:


_color = [0,1,1,1];


case 5:


_color = [1,1,1,1];


case 6:


_color = [1,1,0,1];


case 7:


_color = [0,0,1,1];




_control = (findDisplay 72000) displayCtrl _x;

_control ctrlSetTextColor _color;

_control ctrlCommit 0;

} forEach


// main GUI and Set Buttons


// Start Screen





if my question isn't clear enough.. let me know.

Edited by Loki

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Hi (again) Loki. :)

You have to execute the Color Settings script each time you open the / a new dialog.

In the script where you call the dialog put something like this:

LOKI_GUI_Key_Color = LOKI_GUI_Key_Color - 1;
["TextColor"] execVM "Color_Settings.sqf";

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i had hoped you would see this.. it is yours after all.. :p

i got it to keep the color after 1st switch.. but its resetting after 2 switches and won't even work anymore.

rl has me busy today.. i will update when i get time to work at it some more.

i'll shoot you a PM when i update.

thanks Clayman

Edited by Loki
missed a sentence

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hmm.. this is really weird.

my main dialog is IDD = 72000

when i switch to another dialog.. say.. Work (IDD 72001) it works (color stays).. but when i go back to main dialog IDD 72000.. it won't switch the colors anymore..

does the IDD of a dialog somehow go NULL?

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solved.. thanks i0n0s... for showing that the dialogs wasn't closing fast enough.

a simple


was all i needed in each of my calls.

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