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Variables help and helicopter search and rescue script. Help please.

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I am making a mission and i have become quite good at the basic mission scripts and once i have finished my mission pack i will be merging it into one campaign, i am having a bit of trouble with variables though, as in when i make my campaign, is it possible to have multiple outcome missions (e.g: end1 of mission 5 will send me to mission 6a whereas end2 mission 5 may send me to mission6b) and also how do i get variables from one mission to save to the next (e.g: reputation with independants or civilian houses destroyed in assault etc etc...)? I have had a litle bit of trouble making briefings too although i have ben following templates off youtube, if someone would be kind enough to send me a complete briefing example/ template that would be greatly appriciated, although i am not worried too much about that at this time... But i do need help with variables and in the mission i am currenlty making USMC forces have just taken over chernagorsk harbour and the other one starting with E :p and they are launching a full scale assault against the nearby airstrip, now USMC helicopters are involved and they should make short work of enemy [insurgents] positions (this is only a prologue to the main campaign involving Russia, USMC, US Army, Australian Defence Force, PLA, BAF, Takistan, insurgents and the various guerillas in large scale (possibly warfare missions, which i will ask about in another thread to keep the mods happy :D) battles for the whole island (first chernerus, then later Takistan and maybe Razergani from arma1 (if that is how it's spelt) once my downloads have uncapped :p to give it that 'world war' kind of feel, but more of that on my next thread) and it is very likely that atleast 1 helicopte may be shot down. Now in large scale multiplayer battle (yes the campaign is aimed to become multiplayer compatable for both OPFOR and BLUFOR) if this happens i want to be able to make a new task to go and rescue the crew if they survived (or are believed to have survived, so it's probably best to create a task to check out the crash site and rescue crew if they survived...) and i was wondering if there is a condition for when a helicopter goes down?

Now that was a big post for just two quite simple questions i know but if anyone is interested in helping me with this (or maybe even my epic campaign i am currently working on, in which case please check out my next thread: Large Scale Campaign help.) please reply and tell me what you know. Thanks in advanced guys:)

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