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(Discussion) Features for a more 'realistic' Private Military experiance

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Howdy folks.

I was wondering if anybody has thought about making things to allow more realistic PMC missions to be created, or to expand upon PMC related activity. Not really a request, I'm not fond of asking if folk WANT to make addons (First and last time I did back in the OFP days, the responses were mostly "Frak off and do it yourself.", so I did the best I could.), and I realise I pretty much put this in the wrong section if that were the case. I just wanted to see what peoples opinions were.

Personally, I think the whole black SUV/chopper thing is cliche. White uparmoured SUV's and pickups tend to be the choice from what I've seen, as well as MD500's instead of larger helos.

My main thoughts were some white SUV's, with rear mounted guns (For the rear of convoys.) for the trunk monkeys out there, and possibly even an ability to fire 'out of the windows', even if it's with a default M4 that's attached to the vehicle like a mounted weapon (That maybe hides when not in use/windows up.). This would likely be possible with a little ingenuity. As well as maybe some custom animations or abilities to work into missions (My First A2 mission for the group I'm in is planned to be PMC based, and will include the ability to force-prone/crouch the 'client' AI or player when nearby, to simulate pushing him down when under attack, if need be.)

You've all seen the pictures, but I'll post examples of what I'm on about if need be.

What're y'alls thoughts on the subject? I plan on creating a few more realistic PMC styled missions, and the whole, SUV with a minigun seems to blow it away, and the helicopter included just doesn't really fit with a realistic Iraq Security Contractor feel.

I've never given addon making or editing a proper go (Aside from minor texture adjustments back in the OFP days, and of course mission editing in the OFP and ArmA days.), but I'll try to teach myself when I have the time and ability, just for the pleasure of a white SUV with a rear window mounted PK or some sosuch, and for you guys too, but don't rely on it.

Edit: Oh, and if the moderatorfolk feel this is more of a request, feel free to cut it into the requests thread. I just wanted to stir up some discussion on the subject. I know a lot of people have been posting "I CAN HAS?" threads here lately that get pretty annoying, don't want mine to become an annoyance also! Just didn't really spot them until after I made this post, and haven't posted on here for a while.

Edited by Kirby

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Something along the lines of the MNU guys from District 9 would be good, mefinks.

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They're a bit 'sci fi private security', I was thinking along the lines of realistic modern contractor gear.

Although, MNU style units would be nice also (They're a bit cliche all-black like the SUV's, etc. from PMC DLC, but it does look badass I admit) my gaming group used units back in OFP that MNU reminded me of when the movie came out. P

probably useful for different kinds of missions.

I was thinking about giving uniformed private security a go, like armed security guards you'd see in the US. Might be useful for RPG missions or police/criminal type missions that crop up from time to time. Reenact ARMOURED or something. Lol.

Once I get my new system I'll definitely begin trying to teach myself, so any help is appreciated, but not necessary, as I'll just get my gaming organization members to give me a hand where I fall behind.

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What about the less "gucci" side of the Private security world, such as force protection, mentoring teams, etc? Not every PSC has the funding of firms like Blackwater or Aegis, or offer the same services.

Reference helos for example, there's at least one PSC out in Afghanistan using old Mi8's.

Just some food for thought mate.

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Most helicopters used by PMCs appear to be a form of MH-6 littlebird or something. I saw blackwater using one of those in a video.

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@Ray; Yeah, MD500's. Civilian variants of the MH-6, but with the longer nose, right? Blackwater seem to use them in blue and silver paintjobs. That's definately something I'd want to get done one day, problem being I couldn't create a full model if my life depended on it, only some minor modification of stuff at best.

@Redders; Sure, my vision for decent realistic PMC based stuff isn't the fancy toys with miniguns out the top. Mi8's and other older vehicles and equipment might be an idea too. Less XM8's and hyper modern helos and vehicles, more dusty old trucks and M4's =P

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