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Questions regarding camouflage value, vegetation use

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hi everyone, im new to these forums and am hoping someone can answer some of my questions here (believe me ive searched high and low on this forum and others for specific answers, so i hope someone knows)

1. is there a scripting command that can adjust camouflage values for individual units? if so what is it called? is camouflage a stat that is permanently assigned to unit objects or can it be modified in game based on certain parameters?

2. Is there a way of accessing the grass clusters and bush objects in game? i want to make a script that can spawn a cluster of grass and attach it to a unit (to make custom fitted ghillie suits without having to model my own)

3. Is it possible to code a statement that checks what texture tile you are on ingame? (ex. standing on a road, in tall grass area, desert, marsh, forest, etc)

and this is an alternate question if num2 is not possible:

how can i make a library of the vegetation clusters that are used in the game currently, and be able to use them later in scripts as objects? are there any guides on creating object libraries?

some of these questions are very out there, i know, thats why i had to ask.

i need to make sure that before i go ahead with scripting my own ghillie update system, that i can atleast:

modify camouflage values against the ai to simulate being unseen if not moving.

being able to check what texture tile the player is currently on (is it snow, forest, desert?) if i cant access vegetation then as a temporary solution use the ghillies for a change models to swap to the appropriate suit to simulate changing the foliage on the suit.

phew long post, anyway any help would be appreciated

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1. No, camoflage is a class value and there is currently no way to alter it.

2. Somehow I end up thinking about the Cow camoflage scene in Top Secret. Seriously though, check out that bushfire script addon thingy (?). It shows how to access trees at least, which doesn't have a placable class. But no, I don't think it's possible.

3. Sort of kind of. You have commands like surfaceType, surfaceIsWater, and isOnRoad. But they may not give the results you expect. I haven't played much with these myself though.

If the objects have classnames, you can. But I don't think trees and bushes have classnames.

I don't think what you ask is feasible. There exist a mod though (hide, or something like that) that puts invisible viewblocks around the player if he don't move, that may be helpful. Not sure if this mod made it to A2/OA yet though.

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1. No, camoflage is a class value and there is currently no way to alter it.

2. Somehow I end up thinking about the Cow camoflage scene in Top Secret. Seriously though, check out that bushfire script addon thingy (?). It shows how to access trees at least, which doesn't have a placable class. But no, I don't think it's possible.

3. Sort of kind of. You have commands like surfaceType, surfaceIsWater, and isOnRoad. But they may not give the results you expect. I haven't played much with these myself though.

If the objects have classnames, you can. But I don't think trees and bushes have classnames.

I don't think what you ask is feasible. There exist a mod though (hide, or something like that) that puts invisible viewblocks around the player if he don't move, that may be helpful. Not sure if this mod made it to A2/OA yet though.

yea i was afraid some of these ideas may not be possible due to limitations. but:


apparently someone has filed an issue about the unlisted classes (bushes rocks trees etc)

they also have made their own object library which contains these objects, but i dont know how to use it or what to save it as.

any ideas?

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Haven't seen that one before, but at first really quick glance it seems to allow referencing these objects, say i.e. you could write a function that finds the nearest tree or bush. But as it doesn't create any classes, you won't be able to create them on the fly using scripts. But there are editor addons that does add these classes so you can create these objects. But note that the mission then becomes dependent on having that addon installed. For public friendly MP missions, that's typically something you'd want to avoid. For single player missions, go for it :)

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Haven't seen that one before, but at first really quick glance it seems to allow referencing these objects, say i.e. you could write a function that finds the nearest tree or bush. But as it doesn't create any classes, you won't be able to create them on the fly using scripts. But there are editor addons that does add these classes so you can create these objects. But note that the mission then becomes dependent on having that addon installed. For public friendly MP missions, that's typically something you'd want to avoid. For single player missions, go for it :)

thanks for the helpful information, im going to definitly take a look around again for that addon, this is just meant to be a special feature in a sp campaign im planning on, and just want to get the big things working.

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If you want an EditorUpdate for ArmA2, you want MAP_EU. If you need one for OA, you can download my alpha version here. If multiplayer is a concern, the OA Lite beta that is on that page is really about 99% complete. Neither are likely to change in a way it breaks something in the future. ;)

Hope it helps some.


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If you want an EditorUpdate for ArmA2, you want MAP_EU. If you need one for OA, you can download my alpha version here. If multiplayer is a concern, the OA Lite beta that is on that page is really about 99% complete. Neither are likely to change in a way it breaks something in the future. ;)

Hope it helps some.


thanks alot for the link i was searching for that,

but does it also include vegetation in objects?

guess ill just have to find out for now



ok this is just what i was looking for, a way to spawn and use bushes to attach to a soldiers camo, but the question is, are these objects associated with the ones that are placed in the world also? so i can check nearest objects and be able to identify that bush or clutter?

Edited by Igneous01

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are these objects associated with the ones that are placed in the world also? so i can check nearest objects and be able to identify that bush or clutter?

Honestly I'm not sure if nearestObject will pick up on dynamically spawned objects within the mission. That statement being based on usage of building patrol scripts in a live RTE enviroment. They don't seem to work.

However, if you place the objects on the map via the editor ... and they are there at mission initialization they may work as you propose. (i think) Been a while since I played around in this area, so someone else may have a better more accurate explanation.

In regard to:

a way to spawn and use bushes to attach to a soldiers camo

I'm not 100% on what the intent is, but I can't really think of a good way to accomplish this without some likely clunky rigging of things. Might I ask what the overall goal is here?

Edited by Gnome_AS

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