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Editor Help...Triggers

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Hello, People told me to come to this forum for help, so here I am :)

Here is my Problem...I watched the tutorial videos from BI on the home page, and followed every step, but it's not working.

Here is what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to make an MH-6J wait to takeoff until all my units get close to it so we can board it.

The problem is...when I put in a trigger, group it to my unit, and synchronize it to the helicopters move waypoint, it never wants to listen and just takes off without me even entering the trigger (I even moved it far away but the MH-6J still moves). And yes, I changed the size of the trigger down to 1 on everything to see if that would help, but no luck.

Anyone know how to fix this?


EDIT: I have another question, is there a way I can make units follow two waypoints back and forth? without having to create 20 of them? such as put a trigger?

Edited by todayskiller

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Wrong section it belongs in mission editing section. see reply in your editor help thread, at least concerning the waypoints question, I gotta hurry. Have fun editing.

kind regards

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My god, I have no idea where to post anything...Is there anyway I can move this one? or lock it?...or can I just leave it here for the time being (knowing to post it in the mission editing section for anything else I need).

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PM a mod to move the thread to the Mission editing section. It is most unlikely that you will get answers here for your questions. This section is for all mod tools BIS released to the community.

If you need answer concerning mission editing you need to post in the right thread and you'll see that people will answr maybe more quickly. Read the editing guide, it includes everything you need to get started with mission edditing.

kind regards

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