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Some Help on a Trigger to end Task

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I have a trigger that I have set OPFOR - not present , and then on the act on I have put the task complete stuff.

I have a couple of problems

1) -When all OpFor are dead the Task Completes - but this is happening when I am spawning some more troops into the area , so for the 10 seconds before the re spawn the trigger fires so it marks the Task complete , but more will be arriving is there a way round this ? not sure what code to use to delay ?

2) Sometime there is 1 man left hiding in a building or something and we can never find him so it never completes what is the best way to end the Task on that?

3) A task gets completed but them uncompleted a few min latter is that because an OPFOR has gone back into trigger zone, I have no code in a trigger for that, should it not stay complete ?

Any advice most welcome

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1) Set trigger type to "timeout" and the min, mid and max values to 11 or more seconds.

2) Change to "present" and put this line of code in the "condition" field: east countSide thislist <= 1

3) Not sure...

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