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Visitor crash - Sat_Lco import

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Hi folks,

i importet yesterday my sat_lco.png wich is actually a real satelite map.

Everythingh worked fine, but in Bulldozer the water around the island was almost black due the satelite picture.

I so decided to substitute the complete water by an normal bride blue colour.

I saved the sat_lco as always, but Visitor crashed after i imported the sat_lco and its mask_lco.

As i said, the sat_lco with the original water from "google maps" didnt crash.

So, what could have gone wrong here?

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Could be resolution, Image formate, name error, bit-depth/channel.

Double check then check again :)

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You got it again m8.

16bit instead 8bit were used.

Changed it to 8bit and it is workin now again.


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I reactivate this older threadm although my probbelongs to a reimported Heightmap.

When i try to reimport my not changed heightmap, (for testing) Visitor hangs off, ... or am i just not wating long enough?

I actually wanted to change the borders of my heightmap to water line, as we know the problemwith the surrounding terrain.

So i imported the heightmap into L3dt,saved in PS again ,tried to import it into Visitor via "import terrain from picture"...but it hangs off.

So for testing i tried to reimport the original, not changed, heightmap, with what i created the map, but V3 hanged off again.

So my question, needs V3 a much longer time to import a heightmap, if objects are already placed or where could be the error?

(system: i7;920@3.01ghz,8gig ram)

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if you have too many objects on your map a reimport of the heightmap may lead to the problems you mentioned. Best would be to save your .pew with a different name for backup. Then delete all objects in your original pew, reimport heightmap, open backup pew, copy and paste them in your new pew. Consider reimport of your sat and mask after import of your new heightmap.

This should work...

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Thx, i think i did simlar to that.

I just used the import/export script...although implementing the artificialand nature objectlist was a bitty hard.

Well seems to be the only way, each attempt importing the heightmap led to V3 crash.

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Reimporting a heightmap midway thru a project can take forever! - well - mine used to regularly take 2 hours - it never actually crashed, though it would often look like it had...

More recently, following a suggestion by Shezan, I've started using XYZ format for these reimports (the free version of L3DT has an XYZ output plugin available, which makes it ideal as a convertor - specially if you're doing mid-project heightmap tweaking with L3DT anyway)... with an XYZ file for reimporting it never takes more than about 60 seconds to reimport...


Edited by Bushlurker

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