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Name in Mission Overview not showing up - I44 Required

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As the title says.

I've tried useing


<head><title>My mission name here</title></head>


< h2 align="center">YOUR WAR< /h2>

< p align="center"><img src="Apicture.jpg" width="230" height="170"></p>

< p>a single sentence description< /p>

< p>another  sentence if you must< /p>



with the respected fields filled, and I have also used


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="VB">

<title>My mission name here</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="center"><img src="scenarioimage.paa" width="240" height="121"></p>
<p align="left">Small Description.</p>


Found here http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1689380&postcount=2

With the respective fields filled, but the name still refuses to show the name. It continues to show the folder names as 'I44Utes.utes' instead of the name.

Though it bothers me because I've had the Overview work on a prior mission using the first coding (Wish bugs, hence why I used the second) but the name showed up correctly none the less.

I've removed code to make it appear as such


<head><title>My mission name here</title></head>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="center"><img src="scenarioimage.paa" width="240" height="121"></p>
<p align="left">Small Description.</p>


But still, no luck.

It bugs me a lot due to the fact... I am in a sense, finished with something worth at the least to test.

It may be that my brain is so fried from trying to finish this mission that I'm not seeing something SO VERY CLEAR or I'm not doing it right.

Anyway, heres a link to DL it for your own figuring out. It'll also come with the 'None HTML' version of the overview.html so you can play with/edit to show me what exactly I messed up on XD

Thank you to those who can help! ^^

As name says, it uses the I44 Conversion plus the two Hot Fixes

File - http://www.4shared.com/file/Z3iNxMVF/I44Utesutes.html

Again, any help will be great ^^ Thanks and PM me if you feel the need regarding this.

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I don't see a briefingName in your mission.sqm. In the mission editor, click on the INTEL square and enter the mission name under Name. This is what shows up in the scenario listings. I hope I understand the dilemma correctly :)

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Ya know, I was taking a shower and was like 'DAMNIT' when I thought about that XD I knew it was something so very stupid and simple hehe XD Thanks man

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