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is a rts mode possible in arma 2?

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We already have a construction mode, but is it possible to make it more rts like? Come to think of it, it can be pretty fun! Imagine controlling hundreds of humvees! Or maybe a world in conflict style mod? What do you think? Will it work? I apologize if a similar thread has been brought up.

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I would love to see an rts style mod. But it would have to downgrade the level of detail in the game, or else it would crash.

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One thread down seems like a step in the direction you are looking for http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=110033

Not a full blown rts mode, but it seems like it proves the possibility of implementing more "rts-like" features.

Looks more like the spectator mode. What I was saying is have a camera floating like maybe 100 metres high, and being able to command them and zoom in right down to arma 2 detail.

Sounds impossible lol

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Yep, impossible to make it act like WiC. The best you can hope for is a camera version of high command, which that particular mod will be eventually.

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My new version of FCC which I've just posted moments ago let's you use High Command in a freelook camera.

It's not like in a RTS, but I've tried my best to use ArmA's built-in mechanics to build a useful commanding camera.

Edited by MrXToTheN

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Somewhen I saw a WIP video for an RTS mod back in Arma 1 days...if I find it I'll post.

So I think not the RTS you know, but I think the game is versatile enough to make it into a full RTS.

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