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My apologies in advance if this is a repost. I searched the forums and went through the FAQ for a good hour or two, found some things that got me going but didn't really answer my question. Also looked a little at the tutorial video BIS made, either I just got confused working on it or it's not what I need.

I'm trying to set up a mission so that three different helicopters drop off AI at certain positions so that they will later secure the area before an incoming attack. I'm running into a few problems.

Firstly, the helicopters and AI start off at an airfield on the southern part of Takistan. I have three different helicopters, two are AH-11 Wildcats and one is the British Chinook. The Wildcats will load their infantry sections without an issue and take off, but the Chinook seems to want to take off, and the land again before the soldiers load. I wouldn't have a problem with this, except it throws off the Chinook landing with the Wildcats. I'm trying to find a way so that they'll synchronize movement sort of, and at least land at the same time.

Secondly, there are enemy soldiers nearby the area I want the choppers to land at. The problem is that the helicopters will pursue the soldiers on the ground instead of going to their objective and landing. This has caused them to fly around and crash into things, hit each other, or get shot down. Occasionally they'll not notice the enemies right away and land, but afterwards they will still go off and pursue the enemies instead of flying back to base and landing. I'm trying to find a way to get them to go through with their objectives despite enemy forces being near.

Thirdly, at the landing zone, there is an enemy Shilka. I have BLUFOR soldiers on the ground nearby, set to destroy the Shilka. The problem I'm running into is that they can't (even with me leading) destroy the Shilka in time before the helicopters arrive. Basically what I want is for all of the helicopters to wait to move from there starting location only after the Shilka has been destroyed.

I appreciate any help, this has had be stumped all day.

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Let me answers the third part. Give the Shilka a name. For each helicopter make its first waypoint a HOLD type. Create a trigger of type Switch. In the "Condition" field of the trigger put:

(damage Shilkas_Name == 1) 

Synchronize (F5) the trigger to *each* of the helicopter HOLD waypoints. If you put those waypoints right in front of the helicopters, they shouldn't even take off. At any rate, when the Shilka has taken full 100% damage, the helicopters will go from the hold waypoint to the one after.

Regarding the second question, try giving the helicopters a CARELESS waypoint (or setBehaviour to careless). I haven't tested this, but I believe that I've read this is the solution on one of the threads.

The first question may resolve itself if you use the hold waypoints for the Shilka. If not, you can use a similar solution with a switch trigger that tests the condition if all units of group whatever is in the CH-47. Don't forget to sync to the waypoints.

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Waited awhile to post back because I've been trying a lot of different combinations on this. Everything you said worked, worked wonderfully actually and I was really pleased. When I started working on it further, I placed several OPFOR units around a few of the landing zones and the choppers would do what they were supposed to when set to 'careless', however when they would take off to fly away, 60-70% of the time at least one helicopter would crash into something. I'm still trying to figure out a way to fix that, nothing is really working. Otherwise thanks!

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