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Warping and the infantry aspect of the game

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One of the first things about this game that makes it annoying is the warping. Even when a server has a low ping, players and ai tend to warp. It has been said before that this is because of your internet, or because of your computer but it's not. I am not sure if BI can fix this or not, but it defiantly needs to be addressed.

Another thing that is annoying to me for Arma is the lack of a proper infantry gameplay. I understand completely that BI is going for realism, but there is not too much that is realistic about the infantry part of the game. Everything seems rather rough. The animations, as well, are what really bring down this part of the game. They could use a good revamp or redone all the way.

I am done now. Really needed to get this off my chest.

P.S None the less BI, you have made a great simulator but it could still need some improvement. :D

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What's wrong with the animations? Weapon switching and reloads are fairly fudged, but the running, diving, crawling and falling are all spot-on. You don't reload your rifle while holding it two inches from your face anyways,

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Warping isn't because of ping but usually because the server is too weak for the amount of units on the map, or the server is badly configured for ArmA2.

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Hmmm. Don't doubt your statement Inko, but would like some numbers on that.

Wonder how many servers are that badly set up if true. Are the default numbers that far off?

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Well, I don't doubt there are issues with the game. But more often than not it's an incredible amount of units on the map (players + AI) that causes it in my experience.

More smartly designed missions with less active units at the same time decreases warping dramatically.

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It's a matter of the server settings and the mission. I also suspect that the clients system and not only his internet connection affects a smooth gameplay.

You can have tons of AI without any warping, but after some time the server can't handle it anymore. Either it's because of the events that happened that have to be updated to every joining client or the server is just not powerful enough. The problem does not occur on small missions up to 8 vs 8.

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