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Delete trigger should this work ?

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I have a trigger that is synced to a move waypoint for a group of armour and the trigger is called Send_rf

I have set it to Bluefor present and set the countdown to 60 min mid and max

So if I enter that trigger after 60 sec it sends the amour to the waypoint – great so far !

I now have an Antenna called Antenna_1

And if that is destroyed I want it to stop the trigger to so i have :-

Another trigger

Condition - !alive antenna_1;

Act - deleteVehicle Send_rf

But when I blow the antenna the armour still follows the waypoint

I am missing something, should that stop the trigger?

Cheers for any advice !

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I wouldn't bother with deleting the trigger if I were you. Why don't you place a trigger, and set the condition to:

this AND alive Antenna_1

Set the parameters to BLUFOR and PRESENT, and set Timeout to 60 for min, mid and max (I think you're problem is that your using Countdown instead of Timeout). Then just synch the trigger to the waypoint and it should work fine. So if you do not destroy the Antenna in 60 sec, armor will come.

Another method that I've used is deleteWaypoint. That way you can just delete the waypoint for the armors. Here's the wiki page for it:


Hope it helps

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